joanna in the philippines

Hey everyone! I am going to the Philippines for about 4 months to help out a missionary family, and while I am there I will try to update everyone as much as I can! I am excited about going, about the things I will see, the people I will meet, and the things God will teach me! Thanks for your prayers, and leave me a message! I'd love to hear from you! God Bless!



I'm HOME!!!

Hey everybody! Well, I am home now... I arrived yesterday afternoon to Orlando, and was so excited to be back in my hometown. Im sure a lot of people didn't even know I was traveling yet, I am sorry! I havent had access to the internet since the last time I wrote, so I wasn't able to write and keep yall updated, but I am safely home now, and so thats good! The last week of my time in the Philippines was so fun... it was the field conferences, so all the missionaries gathered at a coconut plantation/ camp place and had 5 days of fellowship, meetings, relaxing time, and, if you were me, 15 hours of toddler time :) Yes, I was able to spend each morning for the 4 days of meetings with a bunch of 2 and 3 year olds. I had fun... I was tired, but it was such a blessing to me! The room was decorated all colorful, and the kids were so cute, and we had crafts, and snack times, and game time, and singing time, and we avoided conflict by finding OTHER airplanes to play with, and we calmed ourselves from crying by reading MORE books... ha, but it was a fun time! I was thankful that I didn't have to start from scratch to think of ideas of things to do... Heidi Bamford, an awesome missionary lady, along with her husband Jon, came up with all of the ideas, and got all the supplies together, so all I needed to do was help with some craft prep and set up the room and be there to play with the kids! So, that was huge blessing! Heide had the nursery next door, so she had her hands full as well! Well... it was a fun week, and I really did get worn out, and I got a nasty cold, but at the end of the day, I came away encouraged and blessed, and I would do it again! The time at conference (away from the toddler room) was also fun! I spent time with Levi, Emma, Koi and Thea, and also their parents! :) I hung out with my new friend Anja from the Faroe Islands, and I got to see my aunt and uncle, Bob and Becky there (they brought a team from their church to do the K-12 programs, which was awesome!). I got to read, swing on a swing for hours on end, look at the biggest St bernard I had ever seen, spend many hours at the snack shop talking and hanging out with others, and also was able to sit in on the evening meetings that Bill Mierstra spoke at, which was super encouraging and SO good... He spoke a lot about Calvary, and that no matter what happens in this life, no matter what hardships I go through, at the end of the day it comes down to the simple fact that, because of Calvary, I am more than Okay, and that that is enough! What happened at Calvary has completed me in every aspect... it really puts things into perspective now that I look at life and the everyday things in that way... and, if you have no clue what happened at Calvary, ask me! I would love to share ;) He also tied all his meetings around a simple quote that Socrates said... "It may be that a Holy God can forgive sin, but I don't know how!" That was neat too, just how the thing that God needed was righteousness, since He is total righteousness... and we humans are NOT that. But it took the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ to be the forgiveness of our sins... it was His righteousness that made it possible for God to forgive our sins... had nothing to do with us! (thank the Lord)... Here's a cool verse about it... 2 Corinthians 5:21... "God made Him who had no sin to become sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." Good stuff... isn't it also cool to see other great thinkers like Socrates to be thinking of things like that? It's easier to share about God's forgiveness with others when it begins with some great popular "world" thinker like Socrates, than it is with say, some Christian author or something... I dunno... Bill Mierstra has used that quote to begin many conversations that lead someone to the Lord... It was encouraging to hear all he had to say! Okay, well, not sure if that made any sense, but it did to my heart, and it was encouraged!!

So, after conference, the Epps and Rosviks and I headed back to Manila for my last time... we stayed at a nice hotel for the night, and went swimming and hung out, and went to a beautiful breakfast buffet that we had complimentary passes to (YEssssssssss) and ate in luxury for once in our lives! Ha... it was super nice though... and lets just say that there'd be no way we'd go if we had to pay... so it was cool to go for free! Also, they had the best hot chocolate I have ever tasted in my 21 years of drinking hot chocolate... mmmmm... Well, anyways, yes, then Monday we checked out of the hotel and it was my last day there, so we ran around like chickens with our heads cut off doing random, stressful things! :) What a wonderful day! ha... it was pretty crazy, but it slowed down by dinner time, where we ate at Chili's for my last meal, and it was so nice. Then, in the parking lot, I said goodbye to Sarah and all the kids... it was tough, and I still haven't let myself think about it yet, so I won't know, that way my tears don't get in the way of my typing. So they all left, an Char and I went to the bookstore and I got a book for the airplane, and then we got coffee one last time and talked for a long time, and got a taxi back to the guest house. It was late, around 10 or so, and I weighed up my bags, and then at around 12 or so Markus and my aunt and uncle got there in a taxi (they had been at M and S's hotel talking) and Don and Markus took my and all my stuff to the airport.... another goodbye... to Char and Bob and Becky, then Markus and Don. But they were through, and I was on my own! *tear* Well... traveling went well... if any of you guessed that I may be a wreck traveling and prayed for me, well, thanks, because I usually am a wreck and I need all the prayers I can get ;) but, I was okay this time! It went well. I had to wait until 3:30 am for the desk to check-in even opened, so I sat in the front of the Manila airport for like 3 hours, but no problems. Then finally got on the plane and it was 5 hours to Japan. Then in Japan we had a few hours of more sitting.... but it was fine... it was during the day and I could finally see the ocean... its right on the ocean (or a BIG body of water... who knows. but since Japan is just a big island (or 2 or 3) i am assuming it was the ocean). It was cool to look at, whatever it was. I imagined I was in an airplane during the war... morbid, I know, but I wonder how many others flew over the same places I did. Hmmm... well, finally we boarded the long plane ride... I had a window seat... and i got to watch Japan below me... super cool. Saw a bunch of BIG mountains... but if I were on the right side I could have seen Mt. Fugi, but I did take some pics of other big mountains, and I could probably tell anyone that they were Mt Fugi and they'd believe me, so Im still cool! Ha... it was a fine plane ride. I sat there, never really slept much. I did read some, watched part of a few movies, and listened to some music, ate some... never got out of my seat... the big chinese mad sitting next to me never did either, he just slept, so I didn't really want to wake him just to walk around, so I was content relaxing. Once we got back over land I really had fun watching the land below me. It wasnt too cloudy, so I got a good view most of the way. It was night, and I could see towns come and go with their lights. Then when it was light it was endless farmland... but it was cool. I like looking out windows... i enjoy it. Next long flight I have Ill have to remember to get a window seat! Well, finally I recognized Lake Michigan and we began to descend and finally landed in Detroit Michigan! Oh was I happy... tired too, but happy! Once I was back in America I just grinned for a long time... I could talk to people finally!!!!! They understood me... and they weren't all a foot shorter than me with dark hair! I was quite happy... went through customs with no problem. Found my luggage and re-checked it with no problem. Found my gate, which was right next to a Caribou Coffee (a place I loved while I was in Bible School) so I got some coffee and a quesidilla from Taco Bell and sat by my gate for the next 2 hours... good times! When I landed in Florida I was even more giddy... I was happy to see my parents, and even more thankful to be done with flying! Well... got home and talked about lots with my parents, and talked to a few friends, and finally went to bed. After 50 hours of being awake (no lies, but there might have been a few "short naps" that I took every now and then on the plane, you know, when you fall asleep but don't know how long it had been or whats happening), I slept for 18 hours. Ha, so I just woke up a few hours ago, but I think I will be ready to go back to sleep in a couple more hours, which is great, because I will be kind of on schedule here on the East Coast.

Well, I have yet to really sit down and think about leaving all those precious people back in the Philippines, but when that time comes I think I will need some tissue. I had an amazing time there, made some life-long friends, learned a lot about my God and the gracious way He works in my life each day, and got to know my sister and her family better. Thank you all SO much for being there with me on this trip, reading my updates, sending me notes, helping me out financially, and praying for me. You guys are great, I love you all, and I am sad to think this is over! Maybe I will end up there one day for life... we'll see where God leads me. Right now, I am planning on working here in Sanford for the next months, hopefully at the City of Sanford where I was before, maybe somewhere else as well, and then applying at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago for next fall... so we'll see where I end up! Thanks again, and I hope I will hear from you all... maybe Ill even update here every now and then... even though it will be going against my title... how much do titles matter anyways??? huh? ha ... well, God Bless you all!



Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years Everyone! I really hope everyone had a great time with friends and family this past week! Also bringing in the New Years tonight. :) Well, I have had a wonderful time here in Aritao with my family... Sarah and her family, and also the Epps. With the Rosviks, we had a nice meal on Christmas Eve and opened the gifts and just had a nice evening. Then last night (the 30th) we had another big meal with the Epps and did our gifts then... it was so nice! SO yeah, other than those Christmas celebrations, we have been kept busy with different activities here at the center. There was a list of all the things going on, and it was so fun to take part in it! We hiked up a mountain one day, had a soup bar, went Christmas caroling and handing out presents in the bario, had Christmas carolers come sing to us, had a ladies movie night, a ladies spa/korean food night, a bonfire, a Christmas potluck meal, singing Christmas songs together, and on and on. So, we were very busy. But it was so fun, and there were a lot of people here on the base, so that was also nice! It was a special time... even though a few times I was wishing I could be at home with my parents and other sisters. But, I wouldnt trade my time with Sarah for anything!

Well, I will be leaving the Philippines in a week and 2 days... I cannot believe the past 4 months has flown by so quickly!!! It has been awesome though! But we are leaving in 2 days to head south to a coconut farm for the NTM conference here. Should be fun! My aunt and uncle are coming over from Califonia with a group of people to run the older kids programs, so it will be fun to see them! Also, I will be leading/teaching the toddlers class... ages 2-3, so pray for me with that! Should be fun... maybe a challenge, but fun none the less! Well, conference is only 4 days, and from there we head to Manila for 2 days, and then I will go to the airport either late at night or early early in the morning (depending on how you look at it) and begin the LONG day of traveling home! It's amazing that its almost time to come home, but its not over yet!!! Well, I should go... have lots to do! We're having company for supper, then the center is having a New Years Eve thing... fireworks, snacks, and games... and I have to pack my bags for when I leave by tonight.... I am sending my luggage down to Manila tomorrow morning. Alright, God Bless everyone! Happy New Years!



up north again...

Well, we are finally once again in Aritao... this time will be the last time I will come to Aritao. We left Manila on Monday, 3 days after Zane was born. We took our time though going up, not in a rush, but as it got dark, and since it was a bit rainy, we realized it might be a difficult trip. We were driving a van up for another missionary family, and the windshield wipers didn't work too great, and the defrost wasnt working quite well either, so as it got dark, and kept on raining, it got harder and harder to see. It is kinda dangerous to drive here in the night anyways, since 1) the way people drive is nuts, passing all over (but u gotta do it too :)) and 2) some people believe that driving without lights saves gas, so there are tricycles and cars that you gotta watch for extra careful. So... it was a bit tense ride when it got dark, just because we were all super on the lookout for any signs of movement in the dark... and then were blinded when cars were coming from the other direction (since we couldnt see through the windshield properly). Well, there was a time we almost pulled over and stopped, but we were all so ready to get to aritao... well, also, we hit fog halfway up the mountain that stayed with us until halfway down, so that was another reason to stay on the edge of our seats, but it worked out great, and God kept us safe (I was praying!). Don did a great job driving though. Zane proved to be a good traveler... and Thea and Koi were good too, they slept on my lap a lot of the way. So, it was a nice trip, but just knowing we were going to be able to settle down and relax once we got to Aritao made it all the better!

Things here have been good... just getting back into the swing of things. Spending time with Sarah and Markus, playing with all the kids each morning... etc... I had two good friends from Bible School here... Matt and Erin Castagna. They both lived/grew up here, so they were coming home, and I was just chilling in their home! :) But we had such a fun time seeing each other and catching up! Kind of cool running into them in the Philippines of all places! But thats just how an exciting God works I guess! So that was fun seeing them. They left today to go back down south. But with Christmas fast approaching, this place is going to be coming alive! I am excited, hearing about all the activities that go on during the holidays! Lots of Caroling, and dinner parties, and fellowship times. It should go fast and be super fun! I am already excited! Well, things here are great, and I am already beginning to think about packing up my bags and making sure I have enough pounds to bring all my stuff back! :) It always seems to be that way! Ha! Well, I'll keep updating with whats happening here, and I hope you all have a great holiday as well... and really, I have been encouraged about remembering the reason for all this stuff that goes on during the holidays: the traditions, the presents, the parties, the fun and family... and it all comes to the gift of Jesus, and remembering even what His birth into this world means for us now. It is so easy to get carried away with the trees and lights and the "feeling the holidays gives us," but it is nothing compared to knowing Christ and having a relationship with Him. I hope I don't lose sight of that this holiday season... it seems it is getting harder and harder to see in the way the world celebrates Christmas anymore! Well, goodnight everyone! God bless!



He's Here!!!

Hey everyone! Well, yesterday, Dec. 8th, at around 12:58 pm Zane Tiras Epp was born. (see pics below). He was about 8 pounds, 1 ounce, and about 53 centimeters (unlike the 13 inches i had told earlier, to anyone who heard. No, he's NOT a midget (dad)). It has been a LONG two days... let me catch up...

Well, just so you know, since I have last written, other than whats happening with the baby,absolutely nothing extremely exciting has gone on. Just some more mall walking, eating, and trying to keep the kids occupied and happy. But we were getting more and more anxious for the baby to come, there are only so many things to do for kids in this city :)

So, I was sharing a room with the Epps when Char and Don went to the hospital... the kids and I were invited to go on an outing with a bunch of language students here and their "Grandma Liz", a dear lady who lives in Aritao, and her and her husband Rocky are the grandparents to many kids here in the Philippines. Well, she was heading the trip up and invited us to go, and we thought that we should try to have the kids go, just for a fun day away from the Guest House, and also so D and C could have some time... they were going to a resort type tourist thing a couple hours away... and we were a bit worried about how Koi would do going with me and not having his mom or dad there, so I spent much of the night before praying! I was so nervous about it. Well, we were going to leave at 6am, so we would get the kids up around 5 to get them awake and pumped up for the day!! Well, at about 4:20, I heard D and C quietly packing bags and whispering, which I assumed they were packing the kids bags and all (i must have thought they were really anxious to get us off on the road) but Char came and told me it was "time" and that meant one thing. So, off they went to get a taxi to go to the hospital, and I was SO happy, but at the same time realizing that I would have to wake the kids up on my own, explain to them what was happening, why their parents were gone, and that we would go to a random place a few hours away with a bunch of random people. Well, I will admit, I was nervous and scared, but I kept praying about it... asking God to help!

Well, all I can say is WOW! I have never seen such good kids in my life! I woke them up, and after just a few explanations about where their mom and dad were, they were alright, and excited about the day! I was SO relieved. So, we got dressed, and all packed up for the long drive and the full day ahead, while their mom and dad were going to make the baby pop out. (epp talk). The ride there was great. We were in a big van with 10 other people, and Koi, Thea and I sat in the very back, and the two of them sat there the whole time quietly, looking out the window, commenting on a few things here and there, and sleeping. What good kids! Koi was attached at my hip that day, but I didn't mind one bit... he was such a good two year old! When we got there, we played in a park while the big people went into a museum, and then we took a caribou-drawn trolley ride to the actual resort where we swam for an hour in their pools. The kids loved it, and I must admit, I had fun too! Then we ate lunch in the water. Well, sorta. It was cool, they had a man-made waterfall, and it ran down and was about a foot thick of water that ran along the ground, where they had picnic tables... its hard to explain. But you went to the buffet table and got your really yummy Filipino food, and then walked through the foot deep water to your picnic table and ate with water rushing at your feet. If you cant get a good vision of this, ask me to email you a pic, and I will most certainly do that :) Well, we ate, which was so good, and then saw a coconut demonstration, where a man climbed a tree and cut down coconuts, then we got to drink fresh coconut juice, and they made coconut milk, and we drank that, and then I got to try coconut heart... So that was cool... but we saw it in the tribe, and I must say that was pretty cool. After this, we went to a cultural dance type show thing, and sat there for almost an hour and a half. Koi sat on my lap, eventually falling asleep, and Thea sat in the front row with her friend Katie, and sat there the whole time commenting on which girls were their favorite and who wore the prettiest costume. It was really cool... they were really talented. So then we finally headed out... into the traffic. Crazy day, but super fun as well.

Right after the coconut demonstration deal, I got "the phone call" that I had been waiting for all day. Don had called and said that the baby had just been born a few minutes before, and his name was Zane Tiras, and all the good stuff... and Koi and Thea got to talk to him and they were SO excited! So that was fun news. I guess the labor went well. Char said it was the hardest of all three kids, but still it wasnt too bad... She had been in labor for awhile, but I guess the real painful pains had begun around 9 am or so, and he was born quickly once her water broke. So, it was good to hear that both the baby and mommy were healthy and safe (okay, daddy too) and everyone with us were glad to hear the news. Well, we made a plan to bring the kids to the hospital when we got back, but little did we know how bad the traffic would be... well, we knew it would be bad, but were hopinh it wouldnt be this once! We were in traffic from 3:30 until 7 or so when we took a bathroom break... Koi was with me and he was just a doll... Thea went with Liz in the other van. But there was still a long time until they returned, so Liz came with me and the kids, and we took a taxi from there and went to the hospital so the kids could see their parents. They were SO excited to see them, and it was such a help to have Liz with me and the taxi and all. An answer to prayer! We left and we got back to the GH around 10, and we all hit the hay pretty quick.

This morning I woke up to Koi right in my face and he said "Joanna! Baby! Baby! Joanna!" He was ready to go back to the hospital to his mom, dad, and new baby brother. Not too much longer Thea sat up in bed and said quickly "Where is the baby? Why's he not here with me??" This big sister was also very anxious to get to her little bro and begin playing with him... so we got ready and went to the taxi. Well, another answer to prayer... we ran into Ate Robbie, a lady missionary here from up north. She is Filipino, and I got to know her before we went into the tribe. Well, we talked for a few, then she asked if she could come and help us get a taxi and tell the driver where to take us! Praise the lord! Ha... It was such a relief to have someone help, and a Filipino no less! That was great... perfect timing. His timing. So we went and spent all day in the room... playing with Zane (or just looking) and trying to get them all out of the hospital. There was lots of policies that they had to wait for, time and time again. But finally we left, and then waited for a taxi another 45 minutes. Then, when the taxi came, sat in the car for an hour since traffic was SO bad... but its good to be back. Good to have Zane with us. And now we will head back to Aritao on Monday, so that is good as well! This is the time we have been waiting for, a reason why I came here as well! And it is fun that it has come! Well, I apologize that I have written a novel. Sorry! But I just wanted to tell about my days! Ha! Oh, there are a few pics below... of Zane and others.. enjoy!

p.s.- yeah, interesting thing: Don and Char had a hard time getting a room in the hospital on Friday... there were so many ladies giving birth. Char didnt even have her doctor in the room when Zane came! But it was so busy because of the date. December 8th is the day that Mary was believed to have conceived baby Jesus, and so everyone tries to plan their births on that day. Char said it was crazy, that her doctor had SO many babies to deliver that day... she had 7 planned C-sections... but I was shocked to hear that. I found it very interesting and wondered what they thought would be significant of giving birth on the same day Jesus was conceived. Well, if only they all knew and understood what Jesus's DEATH meant for their lives. Their forgiveness of sins if they'd have faith and believe. Well, let me know what you think about it!


Welcome Zane Tiras Epp!!!

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after a few unsuccessful attempts of loading pics on this page, i decided to branch out and use another resource that is available on the world wide web... so if youre interested in seeing a few pics of the tribe and more, then you can visit this page and look under "photos"

that should work! hooray for pictures!

Well, things here are doing pretty good. Char was due last Wednesday, and so now we are holding our breath each day in hopes that it would be "THE DAY." Not much new from last time I wrote, not a lot of stuff happens in Manila... we are definitely ready to get out of this big city and go back up north where the wind blows and the birds chirp and the sun shines. The kids are SO ready to go roam free up in Aritao as well... and I know Levi is just waiting for his little friends to come back! Well, thats about all happening here! Each day we try to get out of the guest house, but theres not a whole lot to do except going to malls. So, we've done our share of mall walking... for the year i believe. But its been good... meeting other missionaries on the field is always a plus. Well, I should get going. Im watching the kids right now, and Thea has 2 girl friends over, and I should go see what kind of trouble they're getting into! ;) jk... these little girls are sweet. Thanks for praying... only a little more than a month left!!! Talk to you later....



Happy Thanksgiving! (American....)

Well, I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving yesterday! I hope you all were able to have a special time with your friends and families and whoever it is you spent thanskgiving with! Well, we had a good day! I have been in Manila for a week now, and yesterday Sarah arrived to Manila... She and Emma came on the bus and they will be here for a week because Sarah has a problem with her toe, and she is going to the doctor on Tuesday... its been really painful for her for months now, and so she might need to get the toenail taken off! Ouch! Well, pray for her that it all gets worked out, nothing is worse than a sore toe.... but its cool because I have been able to see her and spend time with her! Today I went with Sarah and Emma to the mall... it was fun to go shopping with my sister!! Well, shopping... that is something we have done very much of... in Manila theres not a whole lot to do other than shopping (Im sure I am wrong) but there are malls EVERYWHERE! And we're talking like HUGE malls... 6 stories malls... tons of stores... even more people. It's crazy.. and even more crazy since Filipinos begin celebrating Christmas in August, so there is loud Christmas music everywhere and decorations up, and the traffic is really bad and there are people just everywhere. Oh well! Its fun, but what a change from the tribe, or even Aritao! Well, our Thanksgiving day was nice... we went to a mall, and then The Epps and I went to a kids movie, which was funny... I think Thea and Koi were in shock the first 30 minutes of the movie from the loud noises and the big screen... it was fun watching them! Then we took a taxi to the bus station and picked up Sarah and Emma... they were in a group of Filipinos and being touched and gawked at... Emma tends to draw that attention... I felt like a rescuer stepping in and grabbing her bag! :) Ha... well, yeah, then we went to Chili's for our T-day dinner... it was great, just like home! It was a good day... but I was thinking about home and everything going on there. Well, I should get going, but just wanted to write quick! Things here are good... Char is still waiting for the baby to come... hoping it is earlier than sooner... Im still hanging with them, taking the kids sometimes so D and C can do Christmas shopping or go to doctors office, or just got on a date! :) But its been fun being over here and meeting all the missionaries at the guest house... lots going on in our Big World! Things we dont even know about lots of time! Well, hope everyone is doing great! Have a good one!



Waiting in Manila...

yes, we are waiting. we are finally in Manila and the time has come to wait for the baby to "pop" out... We arrived in Manila last Thursday and since then it has been a time of adjustment to the big city, the over-crowded streets, the LOUD shopping malls, and the people gawking everywhere! What a difference it is to be in Manila than it was to be in the tribe just 2 weeks ago! It took the kids a few days to adjust... but I think we're finally getting used to it now! We have been running around and getting as much Christmas shopping done as we can before the baby might come, so it has been a crazy few days! Manila is nuts... the traffic is crazy and there are malls everywhere, and we're talking HUGE malls! So, there is plenty of shopping to do, and if there is no shopping, well, then the malls are a good air-conditioned place to go take a walk and get the kids out of the guest house! So that is fun! But yeah, it has been fun here. We have eaten a few things in restaurants that we talked about longingly in the tribe for so many weeks :) and its been fun to see the city. There are so many people in Manila... and they all love to look at and touch Thea and Koi. But its been going good. Char is getting closer to the due date, and each day we wonder if it is "the day"... but I just found out today that Sarah will be coming down here with Emma for a week. She has a toe problem and will be having a minor surgery on it... so that will be fun to be with her here for a few days! But yes, we are doing good... its encouraging to see and talk with all the missionaries here at the Guest House coming through... lots of people coming and going, and lots of cool things happening on the mission field, as well as many challenges. Well, sorry theres not a whole lot of exciting things to write! Not a whole lot happening! But I would love to hear from everyone! I hope you all have a GREAT thanksgiving, and know that I am wishing I could be over there to eat some good food too! :) But have fun with your families or wherever it is you will be this next week! God Bless!



Finally in Aritao!!!

Well, we are back in Aritao finally! Thanks to everyone who was praying! For a minute there I wasn't sure that we were going to be able to get a plane into Valley Cove before the typhoon came that hit yesterday, but thankfully we did. Sorry I haven't written as much as I would like, I know there are lots of you that check this often, and I wish I could have had more for you in the past couple weeks... but for some reason I wasn't able to upload any blogs in the tribe, so I had to wait to get out, so SORRY! But now there is TONS of power and TONS of water and TONS of toilet paper, so I will be able to do lots more things the way I like to ;). Ha! Well, last week was a long week... Don and Char decided early in the week to try to fly out of the tribe earlier than Friday when we had planned, mainly since the weather was looking a bit sketchy and also because Char was getting ready to get out of the tribe and closer to the hospital... the baby is definitely on its way!! So we tried to get out Wednesday, but SIL had to cancel because the pilot was going to be in Manila. So then we planned for Thursday, and got all packed up and ready... and then the waiting. Thursday morning didn't look very promising. It was cloudy and rainy, and we sat by the window listening for the airplane but it never came. I guess the pilot had to turn around at the mountains because it wasn't clear enough... so that was a big bummer! That day we kind of bummed around, since it rained most of the day. Later that afternoon we went on a hike into the jungle looking for some caves, but we didn't have enough time to find them before it got dark, but it was fun to go on one last jungle hike. Then we went to bed praying that the next morning would be clear and sunny so the pilot could land and we could fly out. We had been living out of suitcases for a few days and with everything mostly packed up, so we were anxious to leave. Well, Friday morning came, and it was a breath of fresh air to see blue skies!!! There were some clouds, but we were praying and hoping for the best, and let me tell you, the sound of the airplane coming was AWESOME! It was cool... tons of the Agta and Ilokano came out to see the airplane land, and we said lots of goodbyes and took lots of pictures and unpacked supplies then repacked our bags, and before we knew it we were in the plane and taking off... it was sad to see the people one last time and then fly by their houses and see it all get farther away. I really really LOVED the people and even Valley Cove itself... well... when we got to the SIL base an hour later, it was SO fun to see Markus and Sarah and Levi and Emma there to welcome us... Sarah had a sign and was jumping up and down, Ha! I really was SO happy to be back with them, so the past few days have been fun catching up on the last 6 weeks, and playing with my neice and nephew... Although my stomach isn't quite used to all this excitement and new food... I havent been feeling too well today, but neither has Thea, and so I think we will all have a worm treatment party tomorrow to rid ourselves of all the yummy worms we have acquired during our time in the tribe... Ha... sounds gross, but apparently its the "norm" here! Well, we also had a typhoon come through yesterday ( a reason we needed to get out) and it really wasn't so bad... the wind and rain picked up for awhile, but it passed pretty quickly. We were glad to be in Aritao though to go through it! Okay, well, we leave on Friday for Manila to get ready for the third Epp baby to come into this world, so now the countdown begins... there always seems to be a countdown! :) But I hope everyone is well... thanks again once more for praying!!! And I will write soon, and maybe get a few pictures up!

p.s.- one more thing, for all of you who email me... I changed my email today, it is now this: Sorry... but just want everyone to know, I have had the other one for like 12 years and I thought it was about time to get a new one!



hey there... well, I have been having some major technical difficulties, so this blog is over a week old... so sorry everyone! It has been a LONG time...

Hello Everyone! Well, the time in the tribe is coming to an end… I know, SAD! We have been here for about 6-7 weeks or so, and in this time Don and Char have been able to spend many hours in language study and relationship building. The kids and I have collected many shells and read many books. We have gone on a bunch of hikes and seen just a glimpse of God’s awesome creation that sometimes takes my breath away. It has been such a special time here in Valley Cove, and I will be quite sad as that little plane takes off and this little world in the middle of nowhere begins to get smaller and smaller until I won’t see it again. Hmm… okay, this is really sad. Well, lets see… it has been a long time since I have written! Sorry! Last week was a good week of language and all… we played a bunch of volleyball with the Agta, and as usual, had a blast doing it! The ladies here are so much fun! J Thursday I began feeling a little sick, and I haven’t really felt good since then. I have a bad head cold and a sore throat. It hurts pretty bad, but I am just hoping and praying that it will soon pass… But Don has the same thing, and Char has been up and down with feeling well, so we are all kinda trying to get better. Friday was a fun day though. Some of the Agta invited us to go hiking with them to a place where they like to go to catch and eat hermit crabs. They also go bahot fishing, which is like fishing for fish in the coral using a long rod with a sharp end on one end and a big rubber band/shooter thing on the other end. It seems pretty hard. Well, it was cool to be invited to go, and so we all got ready early in the morning and waited until they came to get us. So off we went… 5 of us and a bunch of them. We were trying to make sure we could keep up with them, with pregnant Char and 4 yr old Thea and Don carrying Koi on his back… we were doing good! They just stopped and waited a few times for us all to get back together… but it was a long hike… we hiked north this time, every other hike I have been on has been to the south, and it was so pretty walking by the coast… they said it was about an hours hike away. Well, two and a half hours later, we arrived at the spot! It was beautiful! There was a waterfall right on the ocean, not a huge one though, and then it was all smooth rock/coral to where the ocean crashed on the rocks. No sandy beach this time, but so pretty! The water was so blue in the ocean, and I LOVE all the huge rocks where the waves hit, so I was loving it! So, we got there, and first thing the Agta ladies did was begin to make their fires. Well, that day we were going to try to be as much like the Agta as possible. I mean, it wouldn’t be right if we pulled out our big sandwiches, chips, and bag of cookies while they ate their rice (not like we have that anyways J So we brought a pot and some rice and two cans of tuna. J So, Char and I began to look around at the ladies who already had their fires going, and neither of us had a clue how to make a fire! Ha… well, at least I didn’t! So, I tried to look busy looking for firewood, and I guess one of the ladies felt sorry for me as I attempted the “Tee-Pee” form of a fire, because she came over and put 3 rocks in place, put the firewood down where it needed to be, and then started the fire… in like 2 minutes! HA… Char said something like “We are really white” and they laughed and we laughed and the moment was over… Thank God! Ha… it was funny though… So Char got the rice cooking and then my friend Aming asked me to go swimming in the waterfall with her… I wasn’t sure if it was a joke or not, but I went, and it was so fun… it was pretty small, and freezing cold, but it felt like a cold-hot tub with jets… it was fun! Then the men came back, with all their fish they caught! Wow, these people are amazing! I guess the Agta are known as the Ocean People… and it was neat to watch them just go out and catch a bunch of fish and then cook them up for lunch! Well…. While we were waiting for the guys, the ladies started eating the hermit crabs… thank God they didn’t offer Char or I one… I don’t know if I could have done it, but Koi-Koi, our little tribal boy, happened to love them, so he ate them all up! Ha… it was quite interesting. Well, then the guys came back, all with their colorful ocean fish, and began cooking. It was so funny… its so hard to catch fish, and Don didn’t catch any that day, and so as they all began cooking their fish, Don pulled out the can of tuna and was like “Here is MY catch of the day…” We were laughing so hard… Oped, one of the guys, gave us 5 little fish (we think that’s what he did, we weren’t too sure) but we had no clue how to cook them, so we left them where he put them and eventually they shared some cooked fish with us! J Ha… it was funny… but the fish was so yummy! It was whole fish, with everything left on it, and we had two kinds: one was just cooked over the fire, and the other was boiled with onions. Those Agta sure know how to cook fish! So, after lunch the men went fishing more, and the kids went swimming, and I took pictures! Lots of them! We eventually started to head home in the late afternoon. We were going to hike back with one of the families (Oped and his wife, who is one of Char’s language helpers). Everyone else was going to stay there overnight. So, we began the long hike home, but this time we were going to take a different trail up and over the mountain instead of along the coast. Well, it was probably the hardest hike I have gone on yet… mainly because I kept getting stuck in the mud… and the first time I did I almost pulled Don in the mud AND I lost a sandal! Ha… so I had to walk barefoot until we remembered Don had an extra pair of sandals in the backpack… well, I have big feet, but those shoes were like HUGE and since I had mud up past my ankles, I could hardly keep from sliding everywhere… well, I thought that wearing my good shoe along with one of Don’s shoes would be better, so I tried that, and it worked alright until I got stuck in the mud again and my OTHER good shoe broke! Oh man… we were laughing so hard, and I think the Oped probably thought I was a big loser! Ha… well, I ended up walking barefoot a lot of the rest of the way home… so my feet were sore the next day. We also had to ride a small banka, which is kinda like a canoe with bamboo on the sides to stable it (they use these for transport in the ocean). The tide had come in and we had to cross a river that was quite deep, so the guys swam over and borrowed the banka and picked us up and rowed us across… It was fun! I was glad that I got the chance to ride a banka while I was here! Well, we had a fun time on that day… it was tough, but it was so cool to be able to go with the Agta and see how they do things! I know the Epps were excited about going along with them! Well, ever since that day I have been sick… so nothing extremely exciting has happened! But… WE ARE PLANNING ON FLYING TOMORROW… so be praying for good weather. It is a day earlier than we were planning, but the weather hasn’t been very good… actually we were going to try to fly out today, but it didn’t work with the pilots, and also it has rained all yesterday and today, so the weather wouldn’t have allowed the planes to land. So, be praying that the storm will pass and the weather will clear and the plane can land tomorrow morning around 8:30… I cannot believe that it is time to go already! I have had such a great time here… but we have much to look forward to with Char having her baby and my family in Aritao. Should be fun! Thanks for praying, and I will write when I am in Aritao, unless we get stuck here for a few more days! Joanna <><




Hey everyone! Well, it has been awhile since I last wrote... lots has happened. Lets see... Don and John got stuck in Tabugon for about 5 days and 4 nights because of the rain... so it wasn't until Saturday afternoon that they got back. But it was SO good they were able to cross the river when they did because a typhoon hit us Sunday night, and Char and I were so thankful to have Don back to make sure the house stayed together! Well, last week was long and rainy, hardly stopping for more than a few minutes. One baby died last week, and we were inside much of the time. Then the typhoon... well, it hit right south of us, and at first it was a tropical storm, then it was a category one typhoon, and then the night it hit we read online that it was a category 2 or 3... cant remember. Well, apparently it was a Super Typhoon... we found that out the next morning, but it wasn't so bad. Growing up in Florida, I have been through a few hurricanes (which is what a typhoon is), but I have never gone through one right on the coast! Ha... well, it was kinda fun... all Sunday we were inside because the weather wasn't so great. I did take the kids to the beach for a few minutes to look for shells, but the waves were HUGE and they scared me half to death as they came up close to the path to the house, so we didn't stay long :)... but we had a fun time being inside... played some games and also sardines in the house when it was dark (hide and seek pretty much)... then Don and Char and I watched a movie on the remaining laptop power and the winds came. It was pretty loud in the house... the rain can be SO loud and the wind rattled the house a lot, but I am so thankful I slept through a lot of it. Don was up all night cleaning up water here and there and making sure we weren't going to fly away... guess it was about 120+ mph winds... crazy! But we survived and the Epps survived their first typhoon in the tribal house, and we were all fine! I kept thinking about the Agta though all night, living in their huts made from trees and branches, but the next day they were checked on and all were doing pretty good. But, another baby died on Monday morning. This baby was only a few weeks old, I was here when he was born, and it is so sad to have lost another baby. Found out today that an old man died in Tabugan... he was the one who was so hospitable to Don and John when they were stuck out there... giving them food and letting them stay in their house. Well... he was an older man, but he died. So sad... really. I was thinking the other day that for a Christian, one who has placed their faith in Christ, death has NO STING! It is awesome to know that death for us is just the beginning of an eternity with Christ, but for an unbeliever, like the Agta here in the Philippines, death is horrible. There is absolutely no hope. No rejoicing over death. I still cannot wait for them to hear God's message to them.

Well, today there is no rain! Praise the Lord! Char and Don were back to language (even though they both aren't feeling well) and I think the ladies want to play some more volleyball this afternoon! So, hopefully it will continue to be a nice day. Thanks for praying everyone... and also be praying that the language work here will quicken so the message can be brought sooner, and that the lives of the Agta will be preserved until they can hear! Also, that the weather will be clear for our flight out NEXT FRIDAY! I cannot believe it is so close to leaving, but it will be fun to see Sarah and Markus and Levi and Emma again. If the weather gets bad, well, we could be stuck here for a long long time, it has happened many times to missionaries here, and then hopefully Char's pregnancy will have no problems. Well, thanks for praying! Over and out...



written wedn, oct. 25th

Hey everyone! Well, today is feeling more and more like rainy season here in the Philippines. It began raining Tuesday night, and rained all yesterday and through the night and is STILL raining! It lets up for a while every now and then, but not long enough to get some sun! Ha… well, let me catch ya’ll up on whats going on here. The guys are gone… Don and John left Tuesday for the mountains with a few of the Agta men… they went Bahot fishing, which is some sort of fishing J… I think they’re going to catch eel, and hunting for something else. Can’t remember. But they have been gone for a few days now. We kind of expected them to come back yesterday, but it was either yesterday or today, so we’re looking for them today. Poor guys though, its just been raining so much since they left… hope they don’t come home sick! Also hope they don’t get stuck at any rivers… we heard from an Ilokano lady that this one river is really dangerous to cross because of the rain… it is high and filled with swirly things that suck stuff down, don’t know what they’re called, but yeah, hope they aren’t on the other side of that river! J It might be awhile yet that they come back. But its kinda a sad day. First off, it is raining, and it kinda puts me in a sad mood. Then, about an hour ago or so, one of Char’s language helpers came and said that a little boy died this morning around 6 o’clock. They were asking for nails for the coffin, and Char went out with them to go to the family. Well, its just so sad! The little boy, his name was Eddie Boy, wasn’t even sick… Im not sure what happened, but I just am praying for Char as she went out there alone. It has been pouring rain since she left. Well, also, for the parents. I can’t imagine their grief right now. And Eddie Boy never heard about Jesus. He never heard how much Jesus loved him and how he was created special and was made to have a relationship with God. Well, keep praying for the Agta team here as they get closer and closer each day to telling the Agta this. Also, for the lives of the Agta to be preserved until they can make that choice.

Tuesday afternoon a bunch of the ladies came and played volleyball. It was so fun! We really had a blast! The ladies here are so fun. They love to laugh and joke around, so pretty much we spent a lot of time laughing as we all missed the ball over and over! Ha, I got laughed at plenty as well… since my volleyball skills aren’t amazing! J But it was SO fun! We must have played for a couple hours, maybe a little bit under two, but I think we’ll be playing more and more, if the rain ever stops! Other than that, the past few days have been staying inside to stay out of the rain. Other than Char’s language sessions. I really enjoy listening in to her lessons sometimes. Her two language helpers are so kind… they are the ones I went to get rice with when they made Dekat, or sticky rice. One of them, Ate Aming, she is so nice, and I think we would be good friends if I could speak her language! But it is fun to try new words… Aming is always teaching me new words and getting me to repeat them. Ha, I never know what they mean though, but it is fun to try! J Well, I should get going, but thanks for all the prayers! Tell me how I can pray for you! My email is Alright friends, have a great Thursday!



Why I am here...

Hey my friends! Well, I am trying to put some pictures up on here as I write, but as of right now it is still not working... SO i type. :) It is a rainy Saturday, and I am still fighting a cold... so it is kind of relaxing I must say. But anyways... I thought I would maybe explain a little bit about why I am even here. Why DID Joanna go all the way over to the other side of the world? Was it because of the beach? Was it because she LOVES plane rides? Or was it because of the food. Well... let me see. I do like the food here, and I live close to a beach. So, no. Thats not it. Actually, the reason I came here has little to do with the fact that I love traveling and seeing new places, although that is a plus. But the reason I came over here was because there was a need. The biggest need is that there are people who are dying every day all over the world that have NEVER even heard of God, His Word, or the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross so that all of us sinners could be forgiven. It is the most important thing in the world, and there are so many people who have never even had a chance to say "Yes" or even "No" to God. Well, thats where people like Don and Char and John and all the other missionaries come into play. Those are people who have left their homes and moved their families to another country and put into a remote location where there are no other "white" people. They throw themselves into the new culture and learn the language by pointing to things and and slowly learning words and phrases. They build relationships and it is all in the hopes to one day be able to speak the language well enough that they can teach them what God's Word says... the message that God had for the missionaries, as well as the Agta and every other people group on this planet. Well, that's just the gist of it, and right now Don, John and Char are all busy with language, and they have a lot of it already, it just takes time to be able to speak it enough to teach clearly so that the Agta will understand, and then also to be able to one day translate the Bible into their own tongue!!

So, this is where my part comes in. Char is about to have her third kid, and they will be out of the tribe for 2 months, so she is really wanting and needing to have as much time with the language as she can. Don is busy with language as well, so you can imagine it might be a little tough trying to concentrate on studying a language while keeping an eye on 2 little kids. SO... I have come over here to help out just a little. I do that by watching the kids and keeping them busy and happy so that Char and Don have the time to meet with Agta men and women and learn/study more. So... a typical day would look like this: We wake up early, and eat breakfast. Don sometimes goes into the village to see what the men are up to that day, and Char goes down to the office to study and prepare for the ladies to arrive. I watch the kids and do whatever. Usually the ladies come around 8-ish in the morning, if they come, so if they do then Char goes under the house to do language with them, and I bring the kids either to the front porch to color and play with the kids of the language helpers, or we go to the beach, or the river, or play house, read books... you get the point! Around 10:30 or so it is Marianda, which is something for snack time, and we bring coffee down to the ladies, and just visit. I usually smile and nod occasionally, I enjoy it a lot! Then the ladies go home, and we get lunch ready/play some more. The afternoons are nice... the kids have quiet time, and on Mon, Wedn, and Fri. John comes and they have either a team meeting, prayer time, or Bible study. On Tues and Thurs we just relax! :) Then in the afternoon we go visiting in the Agta villages. Char might check up on some people with medical stuff, and Don will go and get more language done just by visiting. It is always a fun time to go out... the people are so fun! I also wish I could speak to them! :) Well, by the time we come home, it is dinner/bath/book/then bed time... depending on the night. So... the days come and go and they are seeming to fly by... and Don and Char are busy trying to cram as much Agta into their brains as they can before our flight comes to get us in 3 weeks!

So, I am here to help out and to hopefully be a blessing, so that one day the Agta can hear about Jesus Christ and what He did for THEM! And I am having a fun time helping out... especially with Char being pregnant. Its fun to be able to help around the house and all, since each day she gets closer and closer to "popping the baby out" (as the Epps say ;)). So there you have it. I am here to help further the gospel (even if the role I am playing is super small). But be praying for the Agta team here... Don, Char and John... they have lots of work to do.. Also with relationships and stuff with the people here. The Agta and Ilokano here are people just like Americans and Canadians. We are all sinners and we are all human. So, relationships with people can many times be a tough thing... as it is anywhere! Alright, I should get going... the pictures didnt work again. I apologize, but when I get home to Florida we can all have a Big party and I will show whoever wants to any picture they want to see. Okay, take care! God Bless!



a typical day...

hey all! well, i guess its time i wrote, huh? i actually sat down and wrote the other night... nice and long and probably heart warming and touching as well, and then something went wrong in processing it and i lost it. Ha, so, i just went to bed. Sorry! But things here have been completely normal... as normal as life in the tribe goes that is! The weekend was great... Saturday we cleaned and then had waffles and i lost in yahtzee... Sunday was church and swimming in the ocean and relaxing and all that nice Sunday stuff... but there were some bugs in the ocean that were biting for awhile... and then about 20 Agta showed up from a different area for medical, so we didnt have lunch till late... but it was a great weekend altogether! Yes, i lost in yahtzee again, but last night I did SO good in a game of Phase 10... actually, we finished our game last night and before i was losing so bad, but somehow i turned things around... im feeling a proud. Ill probably never win again! ha. Well, the past few days have been normal. I cannot believe it is Friday tomorrow! WOW! The time here is flying by! We hit midpoint of being in the tribe just a few days ago... so, about 4 weeks left. Then we go to Aritao for about a week, then take a bus to Manila and wait it out until Char has the baby... then back to Aritao until Conference in the beginning of January... SO... things are looking good!

I have been going to the beach a lot with the kids. It is so nice to be able to walk 5 minutes and be at a beautiful beach location. We have been going to this one spot where the coral is, and when the tide comes in and leaves it leaves little pools of water... so we go and look for fish and the kids swim. We went there this morning and the tide was so low, so it was fun playing around the huge coral! I LOVE looking for shells, i think its a new hobby of mine... there are some of the prettiest shells here... Thea and I thank God when we find really really pretty shells... because everything good comes from God. I love being with a 4 year old and seeing her young faith grow... its encouraging, and reminds me just how simple it really is! Well... I can hardly believe it is already another weekend coming up... goes way too fast! But I am so thankful for my time here! It is such a neat experience, and God is just so good for giving me this opportunity... well, I must go, but have a wonderful day my friends!



Happy Birthday Mom!

Hey all! Well, I am glad i have a chance to write in here again for a quick update on all thats going on. Things here are going so good! We made a cake this morning to celebrate my moms birthday... how fun! The Epps are such a cool family, SO, happy birthday mom! We'll eat some cake for you!!! :) They like to celebrate their families birthdays here, even when they're far away, so this should be fun... Well, things since our Thanksgiving dinner have gone so fun! We had a great time... the food was great and it was special! Our yahtzee tournament went well too, but once again I lost... although this time I came in second place! :) Sunday was SUCH a wonderful day! We listened to a sermon then spent the rest of the morning at the beach... so I was burnt, but now have a nice tan... I am ALMOST as tan as Char... don't know if I will ever be as dark as her! Ha! Then we just relaxed the rest of the day, it was so nice! We have so much fun here, being with the Epps is just so much fun! We laugh all the time, and they both have such a good sense of humor, so we can laugh at things from toilet problems to kids doing hilarious things to types of disasters... oh, its a great time here! The past three days have flown by! Char has been able to do language, which is so good for her, so I have been with Thea and Koi, mostly Thea since Koi runs around, and also some agta kids... they color and play with dolls on the front porch, so I camp out there and watch them. The agta kids are so cute! :) Yesterday we hiked to the Barip again, to that far group. So we went, and oh was it a blast! We brought a picnic lunch and were planning to eat on a big rock by the ocean, until it started raining hard when we got there! So, we huddled up by a big tree under a blanket... ha, we had cans of beans and were trying not to get wet, we were just laughing so hard. Finally the rain slowed and stopped and we finished out lunch and played some... well, we got to the far group and sat in their hut for a while while D and C did some language... it was fun to watch Koi... he just fits right in with the agta boys... ha... he was playing with them and there was about 3 little guys that stayed by his side. We came back and when we got to the ocean we ran into a bunch of Ilokano kids coming home from school. Here, there are Agta, and Ilokano... the Ilokano are more Filipino, while the Agta are looked down on and the tribal people. Well, I have come to find out, that the Agta might look at you every now and then (being a white person) but the Ilokano, well, they stare. And i mean STARE. On Monday, I took Koi and Thea to a river to swim, and this Ilokano boy was walking nearby, and he just stopped what he was doing and stared at us for 15 minutes. I dont understand how we can be that exciting to watch for so long (actually, i KNOW we're not) but they seem to love watching us. So yesterday it was bad. We had like 20 kids, all ages, walking right on our heels. When we walked, they walked. When we stopped, they stopped (if they didn't run into us). :) It was a bit annoying, and kinda frustrating, but I guess we just have to deal with it. I got my shoes stepped on a few times, and poor Thea did too... she kept losing her shoes. But finally they left, and I can only imagine what a hard job it would be to be someone famous, where there are people following and watching your EVERY move... oh well... a little culture thing I guess. :) Well, we finally got back and Char and I went out so she could give some meds to a lady who just delivered. Shes not doing well at all... pray for her. She's been sick since she gave birth, things have happened that aren't normal, and just pray that she won't get sicker and die. Another older man here has been coughing up blood... pray for him too. It could be TB or something, and oh, when I think of these people dying I just want to cry because they are SO close to hearing the gospel... SO close! It would be so hard to lose them and know they never heard of God and His sacrifice on the cross and they would spend an eternity in Hell... I've been thinking of Romans, and how it says that all men are without an excuse. These Agta have no excuse, and they are sinners. I am so lucky that I had a chance to hear about Christ and accept Him as my Savior, and they havent even had the chance to HEAR! Oh, pray for their health, and also for John, Don and Char as each day they are learning more and getting closer to sharing about Christ with them.
Well, I should go. Thanks again for praying. I miss everyone! I really do!



Happy Thanksgiving... (Canadian, that is)

Well, today we are celebrating Thanksgiving. I am in the middle of nowhere with 5 Canadians, so as an American I am alone, but that just means I get to have a big fun meal a month earlier than usual (and another one later on... :)) So, all morning we've been cleaning and preparing because tonight we are going to have a big feast!!! :) No turkey though, just chicken! :)But it'll be fun. We did lots of cleaning, and Char and I will try to get as much ready and then hopefully we'll head to the beach. Its a beautiful day, and last night was so nice... the moon was full and it was SO nice on the ocean, oh so pretty. i tried to take a picture, but it was too dark! ha. go figure ;). Last night was friday family fun night... it was fun, as usual. Char and I took a walk and went to the river and talked for a long time yesterday. It was so nice to be able to get to know her better and share my story with her. I pray that I can be a good friend to her, and vice versa. She walked me out to the point, which goes into another cove. The water was high, so a lot of the rocks were under water, but there were these 2 amazing trees out there, right on the ocean. SO big... I will take a picture and put them on here, along with the others, as soon as I figure out how to resize them. Ive had the worst time lately trying to keep up to date!

We finished the book of Acts yesterday in the Bible study. I was only here for the last 2 chapters, but man was I encouraged reading about Paul. He was such a man of courage and he KNEW who his God was, and let nothing stop him from proclaiming Truth. I left encouraged, and longing to know Christ even deeper. It has been such a good time here. I am feeling good, but still having stomach problems, usually after I eat. It may just be something I will have to deal with the rest of the time here. Oh well... only... 5 more weeks! Ha, well, I should go help Char. That way I can say I did SOMETHING to help get ready for Thanksgiving! Miss you all!



Not storm...

hey there! well, Good News! The typhoon is no longer going to hit! Praise the Lord! It is actually a great thing, since it was going to be a bad storm, but yesterday it took like a 120 degree turn to the east, and i think its meeting up with another big one, so poor taiwan, or japan. Or some other country out there! :) but yeah, we're a bit relieved, and kinda sad... we need rain. We have no water left in our tanks though, so that means no more showering, flushing, cleaning, or water fights(jk) unless we carry the water from the pumps. So, i might be going without a few things the next few days ;)

Well, the weather is beautiful. Today Don and Char hiked to the bario, and I took the kids outside to the beach for a picnic. It was fun, and they both were happy! Oh, i forgot to mention some BIG news that happened in Thea's life in Aritao... while she was there she made the decision to invite Jesus into her heart! All by herself too! It is such a blessing to be able to hear her talk about God and the things she knows and is learning... and to be encouraged by her childlike faith. :) I love going to the beach and talking with her, praying with her. Yesterday, she said she wanted a pink shell, and I have never ever seen a pink shell or rock since we had been there. The beach next to their house is full of really cool rocks and a few shells. So, we prayed and asked God to help us find a pink shell before we left the tribe. Well, I will admit that in my mind, I was thinking we wouldnt find a pink shell for like 5 weeks... ha, but just later that day we went outside and were looking at more rocks and guess what we found??? a PINK SHELL! It was a neat reminder to me of God and how He cares about even the little things... we sang songs of praise to God for the pink shell (Thea loves making up her own songs) and it was a cool time just talk about God hearing and answering our prayers. She is a special girl, and God is an awesome God.

Well, I had a great time last night going visiting- something we do almost every night. Thea's little agta friends all kinda took a liking to me, and were holding my hand and I was trying to play little games. So, we went around and i pointed at things and they told me what they were in agta, and I would tell them in english. So cute. Listening to them speak english, a bit broken, but beautiful nonetheless. They held my hand walking back and are just so precious, and I so wish I could communicate to them and be able to talk to them like I would any other child. But I am SO happy, for thier time to hear the gospel is coming So soon... oh, I get excited thinking about it! :)

Okay, I should go... but thanks for your prayers! Love you all, Joanna



One week down...

Well... I have been in the tribe now for a week. It seems like its been 4! Ha, but in a good way! I have had a great time so far... the past few days have been interesting...

Saturday, when I last wrote, we were about to go swimming, and thats what we did. It was so fun, the water was so beautiful, and some of the tribal kids even came out and swam with us! Don brought out his surfboard that he found for a great price in Manila, and the kids loved paddling with him on it. It was refreshing to swim some, and while we were there, John, the Epps co-worker, arrived on a Banka... so, he got there safe, just a few days late because the ocean wasn't too great to travel on. So, that night was nice, it was Saturday night, so we had a nice meal and communion. Then the adults played Yahtzee... I guess Don, Char and John have been having a yahtzee tournament going on, but they started over with me, so each Saturday night we'll play. It was a blast. I lost... but I usually do :) but it was fun. We laughed and had a great time. My stomach was hurting a little bit though, but I didnt think much of it.

Then Sunday morning I woke up and I felt so gross! I guess my stomach didnt agree with something I ate or drank, so I spent all Sunday in bed... kind of a bummer, but oh well. I spent the morning staring at the ceiling praying the cramps would go away, and then Char brought a movie for me to watch when they went to the ocean, so I did that and rested the rest of the day. Monday was pretty much the same... just resting a lot and taking it easy. Im still not sure if I am completely better, but I dont feel as bad as I did Sunday, so thats good! But the Epps told me to drink only from the water that is filtered, we all have just been drinking from the well water, which is fine, but Ill do that from now on just in case. So yeah, my first sickness in the tribe, but really, it was no biggie, thank the Lord! :)

But things are going well... yesterday a woman came to the house, and her finger was almost falling off... she was trying to move a horse and I guess the horse ran and a rope was around her finger and she was dragged a ways, and the skin just tore and was only hanging on by a tiny bit... OH... I didnt go look that morning when it happened, my stomach probably wouldnt have taken it, but I prayed for Don and Char as they were dealing with it. And the lady too, I can imagine she was in lots of pain. I did see it last night as we went to her house to clean it and check on it, and yeah, i felt like I was going to faint. Wow, but its not always a pretty job out here! okay, I should go... there a big typhoon thing coming our way... maybe hit friday or so... ha, we dont know what to expect, and I have certainly never lived this close to the ocean during a big storm like that! :) pray for us... pray the house stays, and for the Agta people, with their homes. Alright, love you all!




Well, hows it going? well, i am doing great here! I am adjusting to life in the tribe, and I must say so far it is going well! Things with the typhoon turned out well... it went a lot more south, so we didnt have to worry about it too much, but we got a ton of rain the other night. When it rains, it POURS! Im talking deafening loud... and it hits real quick and pours for awhile, then stops, then hits again... oh well... whenever it begins to rain loud, Koi would wake up and cry... it must be a little frightening for a two year old! But its going well...

Thursday was another good day... didn't do a whole lot... just recovered from the hike the day before!! Ha... just kidding... but I played with the kids and Don and Char were able to do some language, which was great. Yesterday they studied the language with a few Agta and then after that we had an early lunch. Each day with the kids we usually color and go to their beach a few times... their beach is so pretty... it doesnt have sand, just a ton of tiny little stones... and Thea and I love going and finding shells and stones, and Koi loves throwing them in the water, so we could probably do that all morning! But we came back yesterday and had an early lunch, and then we went to find the Bario again, the Agta that are nomadic (the ones we tried to find the two days before)... so off we went, this time earlier in the afternoon, so we'd have lots more time before it got dark! And it was fun! The kids walked more, which was great! Ha, it took lots of motivation to keep them moving... but we took lots of breaks too... we stopped at the beach, where a river runs into the water, and the kids played in the little stream there for a long time... they got so dirty too! But it was a BEAUTIFUL day and the sun was out and the water was so clear and blue/green... oh, its beautiful. But then we got them moving again and began hiking away from the ocean, and through some rice fields and along and through the rivers. We stopped at another river for another swimming break, which was lovely. the water was SO refreshing! Then we kept moving, and... we found the tribe! They were just a little farther down a trail where we had turned around a few days before... too bad! But it was so neat going there. They are a really primitive tribe... most the ladies and kids weren't wearing all their clothes, and they had the huts with the thatched roof... chickens, pigs, puppies and dogs were all over... the little boys were playing with their homemade bows and arrows... it was a neat experience. They invited us in one of their huts so Char and I crawled in and sat on the ground of it, which is a couple feet off the ground. I was just telling Char how I thought it wouldn't be so bad sleeping in there, when she pointed out the cockroaches all throughout the roof! ha, it was a bit disturbing, but its how these people live! But the people were so friendly, it seemed to me at least. I so wanted to be able to communicate to them, especially to the little boys. I wanted them to shoot the bow and arrow for me and the kids to see, but they were so shy and kept smiling and running away. Oh well... they eventually did, but I think I probably scared them :) We stayed there for maybe an hour or less, and then began to hike back... it was a long hike back, maybe a 2 hour hike??? but it seemed to go faster than on the way there! But it is SO beautiful!!! We hiked along the river, which i love, and through all this jungle along the mountains, and then we took a shortcut through some rice fields where people were still working... we had to walk through lots of mud (and most likely some caribou (water buffalo) poo... and then back to the beach (through some more jungle) and all the way along the beach until we got to the airstrip and then to the house. So... it was a fun hike. We were SO dirty though, and I was more smelly than I have ever been! Ha! It was a good day though, and it was SO good we got to reach the tribe...

Well, the Epps are a pretty cool family, and I love some of the things they do together as a family. For example, Friday nights are called Friday Family Fun Night (FFFN :)) and its pizza night and movie night. So, that was a huge motivator for the kids to keep on hiking home... we made pizza and watched Finding Nemo and then us adults watched another movie. Saturday mornings are special... they eat spam and eggs for breakfast (one of Don and Thea's favorites) and then Saturday evening is a special meal (something nicer than rice and rice and rice) and it is also communion. Sunday mornings are sunday school and church (the adults listen to a sermon on tape) and then off to the beach for swimming. But all these things are special things that happen during the week, and they all look forward to them all week! Its fun... especially being out here with no civilization, and to have those things to look forward to help a LOT! Ha, they are a really neat family, and I am blessed to be able to spend time with them.

Well, I should go... today we spent cleaning the house and I have been doing email stuff all morning it seems! A lot of the Agta came to the house today to weed for some extra cash... Don was able to do some language as he worked with them. They're all gone now, and the yard does look better... even if it doesnt have too much grass! We're going to be heading to the beach in a little while to do some swimming, which I am looking forward to! Alright, thanks for praying lots for me... I am glad we got here safe and that its been such a good experience so far for me. God bless...


In the tribe...

(this is from Wedn. the 27th... lost power)
Hey everyone! well, I am in the tribe! yay! It all happened so fast. I woke up yestersday and looked out the window and saw just cloudy skies, so I thought for sure we wouldn't be able to get a flight into the tribe... so I just lazied around and hung out with Sarah and Levi and all, and we were already making plans for the day. Then, about quarter till nine we got a phone call... it was the epps and they talked to the pilot who said it looked so much better in valley cove, SO... i threw on my clothes from the day before, grabbed my camera, said goodbye to sarah and levi and emma, and off we went. it all was so quick, but markus took up to SIL and we got into the plane and off we went! It was fun, I sat in the front seat with the pilot and got a great view of the Philippines, and as we got closer to VC my stomach was a bit nervous... i was praying that it would be clear to land... and PTL we got to VC and it was such nice weather. Ha, i took some pictures of their house from above and all, and I was going to take more as we landed, but just before the plane landed my camera died! Too bad! But oh well... it was a smooth landing, and there we were... a few people came out and met us... I felt a bit strange, but it was so neat. The ocean is absolutely beautiful... greener than I thought... its just so pretty. So... we brought all the things to the house, and began to clean. We spent most the day just getting things back to order... umpacking boxes... Don made a bed for me, so I have a nice big bed in my own room. It was a lot more than I was expecting!!! Char was busy with women coming all afternoon with medical problems, and some cute little kids came to the house at Marianda, and all I could do was smile. Too bad I dont know Agta! :) But it was nice. Before dinner, we took a walk to 2 of the closer Agta clans... it was really interesting... we had to walk right on the beach, and they were in their huts and all... then we had to walk further down the beach to another clan of Agta... there we found Rusty, their dog, who came home, but decided later he lived living with the Agta better... :( But we got back around dark, and ate supper in candlelight, then hit the hay! I was so tired by the end of the day!

Well, today has been fun too! I woke up early... listening to chickens clucking and roosters crowing (they're everywhere!) and also, Madeline, the goat right outside my window. She is the Epps pet, and lives on the front porch. Shes cute though... but we got up and had breakfast, and did more organizing in the house, some laundry, and things like that. coloring, reading books, ect. Then we had lunch and had some quiet time (i read) and then we got ready for the hike. It was raining a bit on and off, but we went hiking anyways. It was so fun... we were going to go find another Agta clan/family that are nomadic and Amove around alot, and there was medical that needed to be done, and also just getting in contact... it had been awhile i guess. So, we started walking. We had to walk along the beach for a long time, then into the jungle... over lots of river crossings (okay, some were creeks, but rivers sound more rustic) and through rice fields and all, and ha, we never found them! we walked for a LONG time... poor Koi and Thea were so tired, we switched off carrying them on our shoulders... but yeah, it was a long walk. And we never found them... too bad, but maybe tomorrow or sometime we'll find them... we had to turn around and head back to get home before dark, good thing too... it began pouring by the ocean on our way back, and it was getting dark... well, when got back, and we were SO dirty... i was soaked and muddy... yuck! we had showers though and char made a dinner and we ate and then we read a book altogether... it was funny! ha, then I had some tea with char and don and we played a dice game, called Zilch. It was great fun! And my body is tired and sore and wanting me to go to sleep. :)

But its been great here so far, and we havent even really gone to the ocean yet! The waves are pretty big with that storm that is south of us, but we'll head there eventually. the rivers were SO nice... and Im looking forward even to swimming in those! But i know itll be a blast here. The bugs though... hmm... lets see... I had a preying mantus in my room tonight, very big one too, but I didnt kill him... he was a slow little guy... then there are the spiders... hmm... i dont like them... in fact, ive been seeing these monsters all over and killing them, and they werent even the big ones they told me about! But no worries, on my was down here to the office tonight, I just saw 3 of the big ones (and char said they're not as big as they get...) Well, its alright... the broom is my friend though :) there are cockroaches here too, but they're better than the FL ones... they FLY!!!! Yay! So, ive screamed a few times (thanks to my moms guidance) and its all good... well, other than that, I dont think bugs have been a huge issue. Actually, Im handling it quite well... there is a spider about a foot and a half from my right now... hes been there the whole time though and hasnt posed a threat yet... ive kept my eye on him... ha, but no bugs in my bed yet (PTL). if i find one, the whole house will know... there are no ceilings here, so sounds travels a lot! Don built this house, and I must say it is AMAZING... he did a great job. once i get my computer up and going I can put some pics on... until then, I shall get some rest. for tomorrow will be another great day. And, it is storming right now pretty bad, so i shall get off. Good night! thanks for your prayers!



Back To Aritao...

Well, right now I should be settling into the tribe and sleeping with the bugs, but that isn't the case... I am back with Sarah and Markus, in Aritao. Yes, we tried to get into the tribe today, but it wasn''t successful. We left around 4:45 this morning to go to the SIL base, and things were going so smoothly! We were 4 pounds under the weight we had to take, we loaded up on time, and the little plane even took off fine. And, it was a beautiful ride! The weather was pretty nice, except for some cloudy places. But wow, what a view! :) I took TONS of pictures, and Ill be putting them up as soon as I can. Well, we were getting closer to the ocean, and there were a bunch of mountains we had to get passed, and when we got to the ocean, we just circled along the coast a few times... and our pilot said we'd have to turn back. What a bummer! We were 8 miles south of Valley Cove... SO close! So, we turned around and had another hour of flying back to Magabag. It was such a letdown, to be so close to the tribe, and be so prepared to get in there and get things moving, then have to turn around when we were pretty much there, but the weather right where we needed to go was just not good... so it was smart to turn around. So, we got back to the base and Ate Robbie, another missionary, loaded up her things and took off for her tribe, and the Epps had to decide what to do. We could hang out there and try to fly out later, or we could come back to Aritao and try another day. Well, we decided to go to a nearby city and wait until the pilot called us... he would check how the weather looked in the air on the flight into Ate Robbie's tribe. So, we began to walk. We left everything behind. I had my camera, my iPod, and some kleenex, and the Epps had a backpack with valuables, and a few things of clothes. And we walked... we walked to the main highway, and grabbed a Jeepnie (the weird public transportation here, but very fun, I must say) and rode into Solano. And we ate at Jollibees... this restaurant here that is pretty popular with the locals. It was fun, we just hung out and ate an early lunch, and we got word that the weather wouldnt be nice to fly back in. SO, we walked around the market a bit, then got on another Jeepnie and rode all the wat back to Aritao, a long ride I must say, then we walked to the base. Ha, it was quite the adventure, but we were all so tired, and a bit disappointed that we couldnt get in. Also, it cost $300 to fly there and back, so its tough spending that money when you know you just have to spend it again the next day... especially with the Epps, they've had so many expenses this month with Don having typhoid and all the emergency bills and all. BUT, we know that the Lord is in control of everything, the weather, money, and whether or not we get into the tribe. So, we just need to REST! Anyways... yeah, it was cool though... today is Levi's birthday, so we had a blast celebrating it with him. Especially since Koi and Thea are his two good friends here... so at 3 oclock we went outside and had cupcakes with the other people here, and then the Epps came over for dinner tonight, and we decorated it and made it pretty, and wore party hats and had noise makers (compliments of MOM :)) and it was SO fun... i think Levi had a blast. He got a new car for his birthday, it lights up and talks and is so fun (but really loud!). But its so funny because it speaks to you in Chinese... so its this random person saying Chinese words. Ha, i found that funny!

Anyways, so yeah... we're back here, and we dont have much with us... left everything with the airplanes, so I wanted to put some of my pictures up from the ride today, but I dont have my card reader! :( Sorry! But I will hopefully do that as soon as I can! I got some BEAUTIFUL pictures of the ocean and the mountains along the coast, its SO pretty. The water is so blue and I saw coral along the coast... I am excited about the things I will see and do once we get there. So, I wish I could post some pics now, but I cant... sorry! But PRAY! The plan is tomorrow morning we'll call and see if the weather is looking good... and if so we can fly out at 10:30... there is a typhoon or a tropical storm coming around thursday, and its heading near VC, so if we cant get in tomorrow or Wednesday, it might be another couple days to a week that we'll be able to get in. I am praying that the weather will clear up tomorrow so we can get there. Also, it would be so not cool to fly there and have to come back again, spending another big chunk of money, so pray for wisdom for the pilots in discerning whether or not it will be good flying conditions.

Oh, thanks for praying! Thats what we need most! It was a fun day, my first little airplane ride... Koi was SO excited when we landed. He kept saying "Home! Home!" and when he found out we didnt land at home, he was SO sad... he didnt want to get out of the plane, and kept saying he wanted home... poor kids. they are so ready for their own home, they've been through a lot this past month. Well, I'll keep in touch! And 12 hours from now Ill either be flying in another airplane, or we'll be sitting here for a few more days. Hopefully not the latter. Love to you all!



To the tribe...

Hey! Just wanted to say that we're flying out tomorrow! We leave early in the morning and we should be in the tribe by morning, that is if the weather is good! So pray that there will be no storms... there is no one in the tribe to check weather, so we're hoping we'll be able to land! But I am looking forward to going, and will keep in touch as much as I can!

Here are the kids... at my birthday... imagine techno... (this is for Matt)



My 21st Birthday!

Hey everyone! Well, yesterday was my birthday, as most of you know, and it was a special day! Thanks everyone for writing me and wishing me a happy birthday! It made it very special and I didn't feel homesick too much, so thanks! I really had a fun day! It all began with waking up early (okay, 7) and going outside to the bonfire. Don made a fire in the firepit, and Markus went early to a little bakery and got some ponducant ( i KNOW that is spelled wrong). So, we ate the little rolls, which were very yummy, and some banana bread, by the fire. it was so fun. I loved it. And, I loved it so much I sat in front of the fire for 3 hours! Ha, I was so lazy, but I just sat there and talked to Don and Char about random stuff. I am enjoying getting to know them. So then about 10:45 or so I went to the Epps house, and they were going to take me somewhere. I had no clue. Thea kept giving the secret away... she kept telling me that we were going to KFC... but I was pretty sure there wasnt a KFC within a couple hundred miles, so I didn't know what she was talking about! Ha! But she was so cute, she made 5 little sheets of paper, each with a number from 1 to 5 on them, and they each had a pink ribbon. So, she said that we were going to follow the numbers 1 through 5 for my birthday, each number being a different thing! So, we went to number one. And all 5 of us walked down the hill and on the street until we got to the CCQ (a bus stop on the road with some food vendors and stuff), which is what she called KFC... haha. The first thing was some marianda, or snack! We had a pork stick (which Thea said a pork stick is a stick with chicken on it) and a tupig or something (it was sticky rice cooked in a rolled up banana leaf) and then a soda. So, we tried some Filipino food, and it was quite enjoyable, I must say! We had fun just laughing and taking pictures and all. And eventually it was on to number 2, which was when they let me pick out my own hammock for the tribe. :) So, I got to choose a hammock of my choice and I will have it for in the tribe! I was happy about that too, because I have a really cool hammock at home that someone just gave me and that I love, but had no room to bring it, so now i have one to use here! It was a great gift, and I hope I can find the time to use it in the tribe sometime. So then we walked back, and Thea informed me that number 4 was her dancing, and we decided that we would wait until later for that. So, I went back to Sarah and Markus's house and we spent the afternoon at home. I had lots to do to pack up all my stuff and weigh it all, trying to bring as little stuff as possible into the tribe, so that kept me busy. Ate Jelyn, Sarah's helper, made Lumpia for dinner last night, which is so yummy, but takes a couple hours to make. Char had her helper make some too, so at 5:30 they came over and brought their lumpia and we had ours and we had a big birthday dinner. It was so fun! We had streamers and balloons, and a ton of food. The Epps came, and John came, and Ate Robby, another missionary, came. She is such a sweet lady, and I was glad she could eat with us also. So we ate and then had some coffee and ice cream cake, and after that we had the greatest time just being entertained by the kids. They were so funny... first they played with the balloons, and then we turned on techno music (for Thea to dance to, for #4), and that was just hilarious. So, I think I laughed more on this birthday than I have on any other birthday. It was great fun!

We were tired though by the end of the night, and actually, I felt sick last night, so I went to bed with a stomach ache. But I had the worst time sleeping. There was a cricket, I am pretty sure it was right outside my window, but it was SO loud, and for some reason I couldn't block it out of my hearing. And then I heard this really loud crash, and I was certain it was an accident, but wasnt too sure, so my mind kept thinking about that, praying that no one was hurt. A little while later Sarah came and got me, and she told me that there was a bad accident right down the hill from their house on the road. Markus was outside and we watched through the window trying to see anything, but it was so dark. We felt so sad though, just praying that no one was hurt. And we got talking about how quickly someone's life can be taken away, and how in a split second they can be sent either to an eternity in Heaven, or an eternity in Hell, separated from God. It just really puts things in perspective when you think about how there are so many people who are lost and on their way to a Christ-less eternity. It is so sad, yet what great responsibility, AND great privelage, that we have as believers! And last night some Filipino could have lost his or her life, and we had no clue if they had ever placed their trust in Christ. That is why each moment is precious, every conversation is important. Oh, life is not guaranteed, and what a way to end my birthday. I laid in bed forever just thinking about all these things, and praying for all those involved in the accident. And also for friends back home who don't know Christ Jesus as their Savior. Eventually, I fell asleep, but I thank God that I am here, even able to celebrate my 21st birthday.

Well, anyways, thanks again for your prayers and your birthday wishes! It made my day very special! And, just so you all know, Monday morning is when we are flying in to the tribe. So, I have just a few more days with Sarah, and then it will be 7 weeks out there in the middle of nowhere! YAY! Ha, I am looking forward to it, although I will say that my mind wandered last night and began thinking of all the bugs I would see and have to live and sleep with while I am there. AGH! Ha, I will survive. I know it! But still! Yuck! But yeah, be praying, we leave early, early Monday morning, and will probably be in the air Sunday evening, your time. So yeah, Im heading out, but thanks again! Love you all!

p.s.- i found out today (the 23rd) that a person did die in the car crash... oh, life is fragile, and an eternity is LONG.


Well, the days are coming and going here in Aritao. It's been a good past few days. Nothing out of the ordinary, really. Just watching the kids... playing with them. Good times. We had a big hot dog roast on Saturday night and all of the families came. It was fun, and I got to meet a lot of the new people I hadn't met yet. The hot dogs here are... weird. The ones the filipinos like are red hot dogs, they dye them red, and they are a bit sweet (everything here is sweet). So, I had a bite of that and now I can say I tried one, but they're not my favorites. I had a chicken hotdog too, but I wasn't too keen on that. I guess hotdogs are weird no matter what country you're in, if you really think about it... :) Ha, well, that was fun. Yesterday, Sunday, we had a church service in the old dorm. It was cool. Sarah played some songs for the worship, and then she and I took all the kids upstairs to give the parents a quiet service for once! :) Ha, usually the kids just are in the next room, and they are loud and they are KIDS! So, it was fun for them. We sang all the kid songs we could remember (thanks mom! :)) and we told a Bible story that went with a coloring sheet. Then I played Simon Says to keep them busy until the adults were done. It was fun!

I've been with Thea and Koi a lot the past 2 days... their parents are meeting with their coworker, John, and an older missionary couple, the Bagleys. They will meet tomorrow too, discussing lots of things so they can be ready to continue the work in the tribe. So, I have had a fun time trying to entertain them. They both miss their parents SO much when they're gone even for a few hours, but we had fun. We do lots of jumping on the trampoline here... Levi and Koi especially like to do this! It is so funny! I jumped with them today and they love going high! But then one of them got hurt when they got double-bounced, so I had to bring it down a level! :) But we did get to see the world's largest flag (so they say...). It was on TV and I guess on Saturday morning they had people all over help make this HUGE Philippines flag. It is on a mountainside, and from the property here you can see it far far away. It is really, really, really, not as exciting as they make it sound, but I think it is a big deal to break a world record here... there are tons of TV shows about it on all the time... oh well. So I tried to show the boys the flag, and then this huge toad came out of nowhere. So for 20 minutes we had a fun time following the toad. Levi, who is not afraid of ANYTHING... was just giggling and poking it with leaves and sticks (he would have grabbed it with his hands if I hadnt told him not to). He's so funny. But yeah, we had a good time. Luckily the toad went into a cave thing so we could finally get out of there. Im not a big fan of huge toads, and the other night Sarah and I just about stepped on one! Gross! I guess I should just not bring a flash light outside with me anymore... to NOT know is better! :)

Tonight I went to the Bagley's house and talked with them for a couple hours. They are a really neat couple. They are from Australia (well, she is American) and they have served in the Philippines since 1968, so they have LOTS of knowledge and wisdom. I loved sitting with them and talking about what to expect when I go into the tribe. Lots of practical advice. They got me thinking about some things I would never think about, and its true, pretty soon I will be going to an extremely remote area where the only way out is by plane, boat, or a LONG hike (which i prefer... not). There will only be 5 others that speak English, everyone else will only know a foreign tongue to me... I might be bored sometimes, out of my mind bored. I need to be careful in the way I interact with the other missionaries, just for my testimony's sake, and theirs. Oh, theres a lot to think and pray about, and its time for me to start praying for these things. I have to buy some things this week too, enough things for about 6-7 weeks out there. But I am looking forward to it SO much! I really am. I know it will be a stretching time for me with my walk with the Lord. I KNOW that it will be hard sometimes and that I might have a culture shock moment or too and just sit down and cry. I know that there will be times when I will just want to pick up and leave and come back to civilization. But I also KNOW that God is faithful and that He is with me and I will not be doing this alone. He is my strength and I will probably rely on Him more than ever these next couple weeks. I am looking forward to what He will teach me during this time. Man, to think of all the missionaries that have and are right now leaving their comfortable homes and giving up all their possessions and going into remote, tribal places and staying there for the rest of their lives! All to bring the message and the Word of God to people who have never heard of what Christ has already accomplished on the Cross for them... it amazes me. And I only get a taste of what their lives are like out there... I am blessed. Well, keep praying. There are more meetings tomorrow, so I will be with the kids, and I think we might try to fly in sometime this weekend or next week. Hopefully we can do something special for my birthday Friday... Sarah and I were talking about making an ice-cream cake (a Meisel specialty :)). It should be fun! Thanks everyone for your prayers! I feel them! Especially today when I had some type of food poisening or something, very mild though, but Sarah and Char had it too. We all went to a restaurant last night, and today, oh I had the WORST stomach cramps... it was bad. But I am feeling better this evening, it really wasn't too bad overall, just a little bit there it hurt. But I cannot imagine getting fullblown sick! How nasty! Alright, Ill end this novel! Love you all! Thanks too for the comments! I appreciate each one!


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