joanna in the philippines

Hey everyone! I am going to the Philippines for about 4 months to help out a missionary family, and while I am there I will try to update everyone as much as I can! I am excited about going, about the things I will see, the people I will meet, and the things God will teach me! Thanks for your prayers, and leave me a message! I'd love to hear from you! God Bless!



My 21st Birthday!

Hey everyone! Well, yesterday was my birthday, as most of you know, and it was a special day! Thanks everyone for writing me and wishing me a happy birthday! It made it very special and I didn't feel homesick too much, so thanks! I really had a fun day! It all began with waking up early (okay, 7) and going outside to the bonfire. Don made a fire in the firepit, and Markus went early to a little bakery and got some ponducant ( i KNOW that is spelled wrong). So, we ate the little rolls, which were very yummy, and some banana bread, by the fire. it was so fun. I loved it. And, I loved it so much I sat in front of the fire for 3 hours! Ha, I was so lazy, but I just sat there and talked to Don and Char about random stuff. I am enjoying getting to know them. So then about 10:45 or so I went to the Epps house, and they were going to take me somewhere. I had no clue. Thea kept giving the secret away... she kept telling me that we were going to KFC... but I was pretty sure there wasnt a KFC within a couple hundred miles, so I didn't know what she was talking about! Ha! But she was so cute, she made 5 little sheets of paper, each with a number from 1 to 5 on them, and they each had a pink ribbon. So, she said that we were going to follow the numbers 1 through 5 for my birthday, each number being a different thing! So, we went to number one. And all 5 of us walked down the hill and on the street until we got to the CCQ (a bus stop on the road with some food vendors and stuff), which is what she called KFC... haha. The first thing was some marianda, or snack! We had a pork stick (which Thea said a pork stick is a stick with chicken on it) and a tupig or something (it was sticky rice cooked in a rolled up banana leaf) and then a soda. So, we tried some Filipino food, and it was quite enjoyable, I must say! We had fun just laughing and taking pictures and all. And eventually it was on to number 2, which was when they let me pick out my own hammock for the tribe. :) So, I got to choose a hammock of my choice and I will have it for in the tribe! I was happy about that too, because I have a really cool hammock at home that someone just gave me and that I love, but had no room to bring it, so now i have one to use here! It was a great gift, and I hope I can find the time to use it in the tribe sometime. So then we walked back, and Thea informed me that number 4 was her dancing, and we decided that we would wait until later for that. So, I went back to Sarah and Markus's house and we spent the afternoon at home. I had lots to do to pack up all my stuff and weigh it all, trying to bring as little stuff as possible into the tribe, so that kept me busy. Ate Jelyn, Sarah's helper, made Lumpia for dinner last night, which is so yummy, but takes a couple hours to make. Char had her helper make some too, so at 5:30 they came over and brought their lumpia and we had ours and we had a big birthday dinner. It was so fun! We had streamers and balloons, and a ton of food. The Epps came, and John came, and Ate Robby, another missionary, came. She is such a sweet lady, and I was glad she could eat with us also. So we ate and then had some coffee and ice cream cake, and after that we had the greatest time just being entertained by the kids. They were so funny... first they played with the balloons, and then we turned on techno music (for Thea to dance to, for #4), and that was just hilarious. So, I think I laughed more on this birthday than I have on any other birthday. It was great fun!

We were tired though by the end of the night, and actually, I felt sick last night, so I went to bed with a stomach ache. But I had the worst time sleeping. There was a cricket, I am pretty sure it was right outside my window, but it was SO loud, and for some reason I couldn't block it out of my hearing. And then I heard this really loud crash, and I was certain it was an accident, but wasnt too sure, so my mind kept thinking about that, praying that no one was hurt. A little while later Sarah came and got me, and she told me that there was a bad accident right down the hill from their house on the road. Markus was outside and we watched through the window trying to see anything, but it was so dark. We felt so sad though, just praying that no one was hurt. And we got talking about how quickly someone's life can be taken away, and how in a split second they can be sent either to an eternity in Heaven, or an eternity in Hell, separated from God. It just really puts things in perspective when you think about how there are so many people who are lost and on their way to a Christ-less eternity. It is so sad, yet what great responsibility, AND great privelage, that we have as believers! And last night some Filipino could have lost his or her life, and we had no clue if they had ever placed their trust in Christ. That is why each moment is precious, every conversation is important. Oh, life is not guaranteed, and what a way to end my birthday. I laid in bed forever just thinking about all these things, and praying for all those involved in the accident. And also for friends back home who don't know Christ Jesus as their Savior. Eventually, I fell asleep, but I thank God that I am here, even able to celebrate my 21st birthday.

Well, anyways, thanks again for your prayers and your birthday wishes! It made my day very special! And, just so you all know, Monday morning is when we are flying in to the tribe. So, I have just a few more days with Sarah, and then it will be 7 weeks out there in the middle of nowhere! YAY! Ha, I am looking forward to it, although I will say that my mind wandered last night and began thinking of all the bugs I would see and have to live and sleep with while I am there. AGH! Ha, I will survive. I know it! But still! Yuck! But yeah, be praying, we leave early, early Monday morning, and will probably be in the air Sunday evening, your time. So yeah, Im heading out, but thanks again! Love you all!

p.s.- i found out today (the 23rd) that a person did die in the car crash... oh, life is fragile, and an eternity is LONG.

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