joanna in the philippines

Hey everyone! I am going to the Philippines for about 4 months to help out a missionary family, and while I am there I will try to update everyone as much as I can! I am excited about going, about the things I will see, the people I will meet, and the things God will teach me! Thanks for your prayers, and leave me a message! I'd love to hear from you! God Bless!




Well, hows it going? well, i am doing great here! I am adjusting to life in the tribe, and I must say so far it is going well! Things with the typhoon turned out well... it went a lot more south, so we didnt have to worry about it too much, but we got a ton of rain the other night. When it rains, it POURS! Im talking deafening loud... and it hits real quick and pours for awhile, then stops, then hits again... oh well... whenever it begins to rain loud, Koi would wake up and cry... it must be a little frightening for a two year old! But its going well...

Thursday was another good day... didn't do a whole lot... just recovered from the hike the day before!! Ha... just kidding... but I played with the kids and Don and Char were able to do some language, which was great. Yesterday they studied the language with a few Agta and then after that we had an early lunch. Each day with the kids we usually color and go to their beach a few times... their beach is so pretty... it doesnt have sand, just a ton of tiny little stones... and Thea and I love going and finding shells and stones, and Koi loves throwing them in the water, so we could probably do that all morning! But we came back yesterday and had an early lunch, and then we went to find the Bario again, the Agta that are nomadic (the ones we tried to find the two days before)... so off we went, this time earlier in the afternoon, so we'd have lots more time before it got dark! And it was fun! The kids walked more, which was great! Ha, it took lots of motivation to keep them moving... but we took lots of breaks too... we stopped at the beach, where a river runs into the water, and the kids played in the little stream there for a long time... they got so dirty too! But it was a BEAUTIFUL day and the sun was out and the water was so clear and blue/green... oh, its beautiful. But then we got them moving again and began hiking away from the ocean, and through some rice fields and along and through the rivers. We stopped at another river for another swimming break, which was lovely. the water was SO refreshing! Then we kept moving, and... we found the tribe! They were just a little farther down a trail where we had turned around a few days before... too bad! But it was so neat going there. They are a really primitive tribe... most the ladies and kids weren't wearing all their clothes, and they had the huts with the thatched roof... chickens, pigs, puppies and dogs were all over... the little boys were playing with their homemade bows and arrows... it was a neat experience. They invited us in one of their huts so Char and I crawled in and sat on the ground of it, which is a couple feet off the ground. I was just telling Char how I thought it wouldn't be so bad sleeping in there, when she pointed out the cockroaches all throughout the roof! ha, it was a bit disturbing, but its how these people live! But the people were so friendly, it seemed to me at least. I so wanted to be able to communicate to them, especially to the little boys. I wanted them to shoot the bow and arrow for me and the kids to see, but they were so shy and kept smiling and running away. Oh well... they eventually did, but I think I probably scared them :) We stayed there for maybe an hour or less, and then began to hike back... it was a long hike back, maybe a 2 hour hike??? but it seemed to go faster than on the way there! But it is SO beautiful!!! We hiked along the river, which i love, and through all this jungle along the mountains, and then we took a shortcut through some rice fields where people were still working... we had to walk through lots of mud (and most likely some caribou (water buffalo) poo... and then back to the beach (through some more jungle) and all the way along the beach until we got to the airstrip and then to the house. So... it was a fun hike. We were SO dirty though, and I was more smelly than I have ever been! Ha! It was a good day though, and it was SO good we got to reach the tribe...

Well, the Epps are a pretty cool family, and I love some of the things they do together as a family. For example, Friday nights are called Friday Family Fun Night (FFFN :)) and its pizza night and movie night. So, that was a huge motivator for the kids to keep on hiking home... we made pizza and watched Finding Nemo and then us adults watched another movie. Saturday mornings are special... they eat spam and eggs for breakfast (one of Don and Thea's favorites) and then Saturday evening is a special meal (something nicer than rice and rice and rice) and it is also communion. Sunday mornings are sunday school and church (the adults listen to a sermon on tape) and then off to the beach for swimming. But all these things are special things that happen during the week, and they all look forward to them all week! Its fun... especially being out here with no civilization, and to have those things to look forward to help a LOT! Ha, they are a really neat family, and I am blessed to be able to spend time with them.

Well, I should go... today we spent cleaning the house and I have been doing email stuff all morning it seems! A lot of the Agta came to the house today to weed for some extra cash... Don was able to do some language as he worked with them. They're all gone now, and the yard does look better... even if it doesnt have too much grass! We're going to be heading to the beach in a little while to do some swimming, which I am looking forward to! Alright, thanks for praying lots for me... I am glad we got here safe and that its been such a good experience so far for me. God bless...

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