joanna in the philippines

Hey everyone! I am going to the Philippines for about 4 months to help out a missionary family, and while I am there I will try to update everyone as much as I can! I am excited about going, about the things I will see, the people I will meet, and the things God will teach me! Thanks for your prayers, and leave me a message! I'd love to hear from you! God Bless!



written wedn, oct. 25th

Hey everyone! Well, today is feeling more and more like rainy season here in the Philippines. It began raining Tuesday night, and rained all yesterday and through the night and is STILL raining! It lets up for a while every now and then, but not long enough to get some sun! Ha… well, let me catch ya’ll up on whats going on here. The guys are gone… Don and John left Tuesday for the mountains with a few of the Agta men… they went Bahot fishing, which is some sort of fishing J… I think they’re going to catch eel, and hunting for something else. Can’t remember. But they have been gone for a few days now. We kind of expected them to come back yesterday, but it was either yesterday or today, so we’re looking for them today. Poor guys though, its just been raining so much since they left… hope they don’t come home sick! Also hope they don’t get stuck at any rivers… we heard from an Ilokano lady that this one river is really dangerous to cross because of the rain… it is high and filled with swirly things that suck stuff down, don’t know what they’re called, but yeah, hope they aren’t on the other side of that river! J It might be awhile yet that they come back. But its kinda a sad day. First off, it is raining, and it kinda puts me in a sad mood. Then, about an hour ago or so, one of Char’s language helpers came and said that a little boy died this morning around 6 o’clock. They were asking for nails for the coffin, and Char went out with them to go to the family. Well, its just so sad! The little boy, his name was Eddie Boy, wasn’t even sick… Im not sure what happened, but I just am praying for Char as she went out there alone. It has been pouring rain since she left. Well, also, for the parents. I can’t imagine their grief right now. And Eddie Boy never heard about Jesus. He never heard how much Jesus loved him and how he was created special and was made to have a relationship with God. Well, keep praying for the Agta team here as they get closer and closer each day to telling the Agta this. Also, for the lives of the Agta to be preserved until they can make that choice.

Tuesday afternoon a bunch of the ladies came and played volleyball. It was so fun! We really had a blast! The ladies here are so fun. They love to laugh and joke around, so pretty much we spent a lot of time laughing as we all missed the ball over and over! Ha, I got laughed at plenty as well… since my volleyball skills aren’t amazing! J But it was SO fun! We must have played for a couple hours, maybe a little bit under two, but I think we’ll be playing more and more, if the rain ever stops! Other than that, the past few days have been staying inside to stay out of the rain. Other than Char’s language sessions. I really enjoy listening in to her lessons sometimes. Her two language helpers are so kind… they are the ones I went to get rice with when they made Dekat, or sticky rice. One of them, Ate Aming, she is so nice, and I think we would be good friends if I could speak her language! But it is fun to try new words… Aming is always teaching me new words and getting me to repeat them. Ha, I never know what they mean though, but it is fun to try! J Well, I should get going, but thanks for all the prayers! Tell me how I can pray for you! My email is Alright friends, have a great Thursday!

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