joanna in the philippines

Hey everyone! I am going to the Philippines for about 4 months to help out a missionary family, and while I am there I will try to update everyone as much as I can! I am excited about going, about the things I will see, the people I will meet, and the things God will teach me! Thanks for your prayers, and leave me a message! I'd love to hear from you! God Bless!



Waiting in Manila...

yes, we are waiting. we are finally in Manila and the time has come to wait for the baby to "pop" out... We arrived in Manila last Thursday and since then it has been a time of adjustment to the big city, the over-crowded streets, the LOUD shopping malls, and the people gawking everywhere! What a difference it is to be in Manila than it was to be in the tribe just 2 weeks ago! It took the kids a few days to adjust... but I think we're finally getting used to it now! We have been running around and getting as much Christmas shopping done as we can before the baby might come, so it has been a crazy few days! Manila is nuts... the traffic is crazy and there are malls everywhere, and we're talking HUGE malls! So, there is plenty of shopping to do, and if there is no shopping, well, then the malls are a good air-conditioned place to go take a walk and get the kids out of the guest house! So that is fun! But yeah, it has been fun here. We have eaten a few things in restaurants that we talked about longingly in the tribe for so many weeks :) and its been fun to see the city. There are so many people in Manila... and they all love to look at and touch Thea and Koi. But its been going good. Char is getting closer to the due date, and each day we wonder if it is "the day"... but I just found out today that Sarah will be coming down here with Emma for a week. She has a toe problem and will be having a minor surgery on it... so that will be fun to be with her here for a few days! But yes, we are doing good... its encouraging to see and talk with all the missionaries here at the Guest House coming through... lots of people coming and going, and lots of cool things happening on the mission field, as well as many challenges. Well, sorry theres not a whole lot of exciting things to write! Not a whole lot happening! But I would love to hear from everyone! I hope you all have a GREAT thanksgiving, and know that I am wishing I could be over there to eat some good food too! :) But have fun with your families or wherever it is you will be this next week! God Bless!

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