joanna in the philippines

Hey everyone! I am going to the Philippines for about 4 months to help out a missionary family, and while I am there I will try to update everyone as much as I can! I am excited about going, about the things I will see, the people I will meet, and the things God will teach me! Thanks for your prayers, and leave me a message! I'd love to hear from you! God Bless!



In the tribe...

(this is from Wedn. the 27th... lost power)
Hey everyone! well, I am in the tribe! yay! It all happened so fast. I woke up yestersday and looked out the window and saw just cloudy skies, so I thought for sure we wouldn't be able to get a flight into the tribe... so I just lazied around and hung out with Sarah and Levi and all, and we were already making plans for the day. Then, about quarter till nine we got a phone call... it was the epps and they talked to the pilot who said it looked so much better in valley cove, SO... i threw on my clothes from the day before, grabbed my camera, said goodbye to sarah and levi and emma, and off we went. it all was so quick, but markus took up to SIL and we got into the plane and off we went! It was fun, I sat in the front seat with the pilot and got a great view of the Philippines, and as we got closer to VC my stomach was a bit nervous... i was praying that it would be clear to land... and PTL we got to VC and it was such nice weather. Ha, i took some pictures of their house from above and all, and I was going to take more as we landed, but just before the plane landed my camera died! Too bad! But oh well... it was a smooth landing, and there we were... a few people came out and met us... I felt a bit strange, but it was so neat. The ocean is absolutely beautiful... greener than I thought... its just so pretty. So... we brought all the things to the house, and began to clean. We spent most the day just getting things back to order... umpacking boxes... Don made a bed for me, so I have a nice big bed in my own room. It was a lot more than I was expecting!!! Char was busy with women coming all afternoon with medical problems, and some cute little kids came to the house at Marianda, and all I could do was smile. Too bad I dont know Agta! :) But it was nice. Before dinner, we took a walk to 2 of the closer Agta clans... it was really interesting... we had to walk right on the beach, and they were in their huts and all... then we had to walk further down the beach to another clan of Agta... there we found Rusty, their dog, who came home, but decided later he lived living with the Agta better... :( But we got back around dark, and ate supper in candlelight, then hit the hay! I was so tired by the end of the day!

Well, today has been fun too! I woke up early... listening to chickens clucking and roosters crowing (they're everywhere!) and also, Madeline, the goat right outside my window. She is the Epps pet, and lives on the front porch. Shes cute though... but we got up and had breakfast, and did more organizing in the house, some laundry, and things like that. coloring, reading books, ect. Then we had lunch and had some quiet time (i read) and then we got ready for the hike. It was raining a bit on and off, but we went hiking anyways. It was so fun... we were going to go find another Agta clan/family that are nomadic and Amove around alot, and there was medical that needed to be done, and also just getting in contact... it had been awhile i guess. So, we started walking. We had to walk along the beach for a long time, then into the jungle... over lots of river crossings (okay, some were creeks, but rivers sound more rustic) and through rice fields and all, and ha, we never found them! we walked for a LONG time... poor Koi and Thea were so tired, we switched off carrying them on our shoulders... but yeah, it was a long walk. And we never found them... too bad, but maybe tomorrow or sometime we'll find them... we had to turn around and head back to get home before dark, good thing too... it began pouring by the ocean on our way back, and it was getting dark... well, when got back, and we were SO dirty... i was soaked and muddy... yuck! we had showers though and char made a dinner and we ate and then we read a book altogether... it was funny! ha, then I had some tea with char and don and we played a dice game, called Zilch. It was great fun! And my body is tired and sore and wanting me to go to sleep. :)

But its been great here so far, and we havent even really gone to the ocean yet! The waves are pretty big with that storm that is south of us, but we'll head there eventually. the rivers were SO nice... and Im looking forward even to swimming in those! But i know itll be a blast here. The bugs though... hmm... lets see... I had a preying mantus in my room tonight, very big one too, but I didnt kill him... he was a slow little guy... then there are the spiders... hmm... i dont like them... in fact, ive been seeing these monsters all over and killing them, and they werent even the big ones they told me about! But no worries, on my was down here to the office tonight, I just saw 3 of the big ones (and char said they're not as big as they get...) Well, its alright... the broom is my friend though :) there are cockroaches here too, but they're better than the FL ones... they FLY!!!! Yay! So, ive screamed a few times (thanks to my moms guidance) and its all good... well, other than that, I dont think bugs have been a huge issue. Actually, Im handling it quite well... there is a spider about a foot and a half from my right now... hes been there the whole time though and hasnt posed a threat yet... ive kept my eye on him... ha, but no bugs in my bed yet (PTL). if i find one, the whole house will know... there are no ceilings here, so sounds travels a lot! Don built this house, and I must say it is AMAZING... he did a great job. once i get my computer up and going I can put some pics on... until then, I shall get some rest. for tomorrow will be another great day. And, it is storming right now pretty bad, so i shall get off. Good night! thanks for your prayers!

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