joanna in the philippines

Hey everyone! I am going to the Philippines for about 4 months to help out a missionary family, and while I am there I will try to update everyone as much as I can! I am excited about going, about the things I will see, the people I will meet, and the things God will teach me! Thanks for your prayers, and leave me a message! I'd love to hear from you! God Bless!




Well, hows it going? well, i am doing great here! I am adjusting to life in the tribe, and I must say so far it is going well! Things with the typhoon turned out well... it went a lot more south, so we didnt have to worry about it too much, but we got a ton of rain the other night. When it rains, it POURS! Im talking deafening loud... and it hits real quick and pours for awhile, then stops, then hits again... oh well... whenever it begins to rain loud, Koi would wake up and cry... it must be a little frightening for a two year old! But its going well...

Thursday was another good day... didn't do a whole lot... just recovered from the hike the day before!! Ha... just kidding... but I played with the kids and Don and Char were able to do some language, which was great. Yesterday they studied the language with a few Agta and then after that we had an early lunch. Each day with the kids we usually color and go to their beach a few times... their beach is so pretty... it doesnt have sand, just a ton of tiny little stones... and Thea and I love going and finding shells and stones, and Koi loves throwing them in the water, so we could probably do that all morning! But we came back yesterday and had an early lunch, and then we went to find the Bario again, the Agta that are nomadic (the ones we tried to find the two days before)... so off we went, this time earlier in the afternoon, so we'd have lots more time before it got dark! And it was fun! The kids walked more, which was great! Ha, it took lots of motivation to keep them moving... but we took lots of breaks too... we stopped at the beach, where a river runs into the water, and the kids played in the little stream there for a long time... they got so dirty too! But it was a BEAUTIFUL day and the sun was out and the water was so clear and blue/green... oh, its beautiful. But then we got them moving again and began hiking away from the ocean, and through some rice fields and along and through the rivers. We stopped at another river for another swimming break, which was lovely. the water was SO refreshing! Then we kept moving, and... we found the tribe! They were just a little farther down a trail where we had turned around a few days before... too bad! But it was so neat going there. They are a really primitive tribe... most the ladies and kids weren't wearing all their clothes, and they had the huts with the thatched roof... chickens, pigs, puppies and dogs were all over... the little boys were playing with their homemade bows and arrows... it was a neat experience. They invited us in one of their huts so Char and I crawled in and sat on the ground of it, which is a couple feet off the ground. I was just telling Char how I thought it wouldn't be so bad sleeping in there, when she pointed out the cockroaches all throughout the roof! ha, it was a bit disturbing, but its how these people live! But the people were so friendly, it seemed to me at least. I so wanted to be able to communicate to them, especially to the little boys. I wanted them to shoot the bow and arrow for me and the kids to see, but they were so shy and kept smiling and running away. Oh well... they eventually did, but I think I probably scared them :) We stayed there for maybe an hour or less, and then began to hike back... it was a long hike back, maybe a 2 hour hike??? but it seemed to go faster than on the way there! But it is SO beautiful!!! We hiked along the river, which i love, and through all this jungle along the mountains, and then we took a shortcut through some rice fields where people were still working... we had to walk through lots of mud (and most likely some caribou (water buffalo) poo... and then back to the beach (through some more jungle) and all the way along the beach until we got to the airstrip and then to the house. So... it was a fun hike. We were SO dirty though, and I was more smelly than I have ever been! Ha! It was a good day though, and it was SO good we got to reach the tribe...

Well, the Epps are a pretty cool family, and I love some of the things they do together as a family. For example, Friday nights are called Friday Family Fun Night (FFFN :)) and its pizza night and movie night. So, that was a huge motivator for the kids to keep on hiking home... we made pizza and watched Finding Nemo and then us adults watched another movie. Saturday mornings are special... they eat spam and eggs for breakfast (one of Don and Thea's favorites) and then Saturday evening is a special meal (something nicer than rice and rice and rice) and it is also communion. Sunday mornings are sunday school and church (the adults listen to a sermon on tape) and then off to the beach for swimming. But all these things are special things that happen during the week, and they all look forward to them all week! Its fun... especially being out here with no civilization, and to have those things to look forward to help a LOT! Ha, they are a really neat family, and I am blessed to be able to spend time with them.

Well, I should go... today we spent cleaning the house and I have been doing email stuff all morning it seems! A lot of the Agta came to the house today to weed for some extra cash... Don was able to do some language as he worked with them. They're all gone now, and the yard does look better... even if it doesnt have too much grass! We're going to be heading to the beach in a little while to do some swimming, which I am looking forward to! Alright, thanks for praying lots for me... I am glad we got here safe and that its been such a good experience so far for me. God bless...


In the tribe...

(this is from Wedn. the 27th... lost power)
Hey everyone! well, I am in the tribe! yay! It all happened so fast. I woke up yestersday and looked out the window and saw just cloudy skies, so I thought for sure we wouldn't be able to get a flight into the tribe... so I just lazied around and hung out with Sarah and Levi and all, and we were already making plans for the day. Then, about quarter till nine we got a phone call... it was the epps and they talked to the pilot who said it looked so much better in valley cove, SO... i threw on my clothes from the day before, grabbed my camera, said goodbye to sarah and levi and emma, and off we went. it all was so quick, but markus took up to SIL and we got into the plane and off we went! It was fun, I sat in the front seat with the pilot and got a great view of the Philippines, and as we got closer to VC my stomach was a bit nervous... i was praying that it would be clear to land... and PTL we got to VC and it was such nice weather. Ha, i took some pictures of their house from above and all, and I was going to take more as we landed, but just before the plane landed my camera died! Too bad! But oh well... it was a smooth landing, and there we were... a few people came out and met us... I felt a bit strange, but it was so neat. The ocean is absolutely beautiful... greener than I thought... its just so pretty. So... we brought all the things to the house, and began to clean. We spent most the day just getting things back to order... umpacking boxes... Don made a bed for me, so I have a nice big bed in my own room. It was a lot more than I was expecting!!! Char was busy with women coming all afternoon with medical problems, and some cute little kids came to the house at Marianda, and all I could do was smile. Too bad I dont know Agta! :) But it was nice. Before dinner, we took a walk to 2 of the closer Agta clans... it was really interesting... we had to walk right on the beach, and they were in their huts and all... then we had to walk further down the beach to another clan of Agta... there we found Rusty, their dog, who came home, but decided later he lived living with the Agta better... :( But we got back around dark, and ate supper in candlelight, then hit the hay! I was so tired by the end of the day!

Well, today has been fun too! I woke up early... listening to chickens clucking and roosters crowing (they're everywhere!) and also, Madeline, the goat right outside my window. She is the Epps pet, and lives on the front porch. Shes cute though... but we got up and had breakfast, and did more organizing in the house, some laundry, and things like that. coloring, reading books, ect. Then we had lunch and had some quiet time (i read) and then we got ready for the hike. It was raining a bit on and off, but we went hiking anyways. It was so fun... we were going to go find another Agta clan/family that are nomadic and Amove around alot, and there was medical that needed to be done, and also just getting in contact... it had been awhile i guess. So, we started walking. We had to walk along the beach for a long time, then into the jungle... over lots of river crossings (okay, some were creeks, but rivers sound more rustic) and through rice fields and all, and ha, we never found them! we walked for a LONG time... poor Koi and Thea were so tired, we switched off carrying them on our shoulders... but yeah, it was a long walk. And we never found them... too bad, but maybe tomorrow or sometime we'll find them... we had to turn around and head back to get home before dark, good thing too... it began pouring by the ocean on our way back, and it was getting dark... well, when got back, and we were SO dirty... i was soaked and muddy... yuck! we had showers though and char made a dinner and we ate and then we read a book altogether... it was funny! ha, then I had some tea with char and don and we played a dice game, called Zilch. It was great fun! And my body is tired and sore and wanting me to go to sleep. :)

But its been great here so far, and we havent even really gone to the ocean yet! The waves are pretty big with that storm that is south of us, but we'll head there eventually. the rivers were SO nice... and Im looking forward even to swimming in those! But i know itll be a blast here. The bugs though... hmm... lets see... I had a preying mantus in my room tonight, very big one too, but I didnt kill him... he was a slow little guy... then there are the spiders... hmm... i dont like them... in fact, ive been seeing these monsters all over and killing them, and they werent even the big ones they told me about! But no worries, on my was down here to the office tonight, I just saw 3 of the big ones (and char said they're not as big as they get...) Well, its alright... the broom is my friend though :) there are cockroaches here too, but they're better than the FL ones... they FLY!!!! Yay! So, ive screamed a few times (thanks to my moms guidance) and its all good... well, other than that, I dont think bugs have been a huge issue. Actually, Im handling it quite well... there is a spider about a foot and a half from my right now... hes been there the whole time though and hasnt posed a threat yet... ive kept my eye on him... ha, but no bugs in my bed yet (PTL). if i find one, the whole house will know... there are no ceilings here, so sounds travels a lot! Don built this house, and I must say it is AMAZING... he did a great job. once i get my computer up and going I can put some pics on... until then, I shall get some rest. for tomorrow will be another great day. And, it is storming right now pretty bad, so i shall get off. Good night! thanks for your prayers!



Back To Aritao...

Well, right now I should be settling into the tribe and sleeping with the bugs, but that isn't the case... I am back with Sarah and Markus, in Aritao. Yes, we tried to get into the tribe today, but it wasn''t successful. We left around 4:45 this morning to go to the SIL base, and things were going so smoothly! We were 4 pounds under the weight we had to take, we loaded up on time, and the little plane even took off fine. And, it was a beautiful ride! The weather was pretty nice, except for some cloudy places. But wow, what a view! :) I took TONS of pictures, and Ill be putting them up as soon as I can. Well, we were getting closer to the ocean, and there were a bunch of mountains we had to get passed, and when we got to the ocean, we just circled along the coast a few times... and our pilot said we'd have to turn back. What a bummer! We were 8 miles south of Valley Cove... SO close! So, we turned around and had another hour of flying back to Magabag. It was such a letdown, to be so close to the tribe, and be so prepared to get in there and get things moving, then have to turn around when we were pretty much there, but the weather right where we needed to go was just not good... so it was smart to turn around. So, we got back to the base and Ate Robbie, another missionary, loaded up her things and took off for her tribe, and the Epps had to decide what to do. We could hang out there and try to fly out later, or we could come back to Aritao and try another day. Well, we decided to go to a nearby city and wait until the pilot called us... he would check how the weather looked in the air on the flight into Ate Robbie's tribe. So, we began to walk. We left everything behind. I had my camera, my iPod, and some kleenex, and the Epps had a backpack with valuables, and a few things of clothes. And we walked... we walked to the main highway, and grabbed a Jeepnie (the weird public transportation here, but very fun, I must say) and rode into Solano. And we ate at Jollibees... this restaurant here that is pretty popular with the locals. It was fun, we just hung out and ate an early lunch, and we got word that the weather wouldnt be nice to fly back in. SO, we walked around the market a bit, then got on another Jeepnie and rode all the wat back to Aritao, a long ride I must say, then we walked to the base. Ha, it was quite the adventure, but we were all so tired, and a bit disappointed that we couldnt get in. Also, it cost $300 to fly there and back, so its tough spending that money when you know you just have to spend it again the next day... especially with the Epps, they've had so many expenses this month with Don having typhoid and all the emergency bills and all. BUT, we know that the Lord is in control of everything, the weather, money, and whether or not we get into the tribe. So, we just need to REST! Anyways... yeah, it was cool though... today is Levi's birthday, so we had a blast celebrating it with him. Especially since Koi and Thea are his two good friends here... so at 3 oclock we went outside and had cupcakes with the other people here, and then the Epps came over for dinner tonight, and we decorated it and made it pretty, and wore party hats and had noise makers (compliments of MOM :)) and it was SO fun... i think Levi had a blast. He got a new car for his birthday, it lights up and talks and is so fun (but really loud!). But its so funny because it speaks to you in Chinese... so its this random person saying Chinese words. Ha, i found that funny!

Anyways, so yeah... we're back here, and we dont have much with us... left everything with the airplanes, so I wanted to put some of my pictures up from the ride today, but I dont have my card reader! :( Sorry! But I will hopefully do that as soon as I can! I got some BEAUTIFUL pictures of the ocean and the mountains along the coast, its SO pretty. The water is so blue and I saw coral along the coast... I am excited about the things I will see and do once we get there. So, I wish I could post some pics now, but I cant... sorry! But PRAY! The plan is tomorrow morning we'll call and see if the weather is looking good... and if so we can fly out at 10:30... there is a typhoon or a tropical storm coming around thursday, and its heading near VC, so if we cant get in tomorrow or Wednesday, it might be another couple days to a week that we'll be able to get in. I am praying that the weather will clear up tomorrow so we can get there. Also, it would be so not cool to fly there and have to come back again, spending another big chunk of money, so pray for wisdom for the pilots in discerning whether or not it will be good flying conditions.

Oh, thanks for praying! Thats what we need most! It was a fun day, my first little airplane ride... Koi was SO excited when we landed. He kept saying "Home! Home!" and when he found out we didnt land at home, he was SO sad... he didnt want to get out of the plane, and kept saying he wanted home... poor kids. they are so ready for their own home, they've been through a lot this past month. Well, I'll keep in touch! And 12 hours from now Ill either be flying in another airplane, or we'll be sitting here for a few more days. Hopefully not the latter. Love to you all!



To the tribe...

Hey! Just wanted to say that we're flying out tomorrow! We leave early in the morning and we should be in the tribe by morning, that is if the weather is good! So pray that there will be no storms... there is no one in the tribe to check weather, so we're hoping we'll be able to land! But I am looking forward to going, and will keep in touch as much as I can!

Here are the kids... at my birthday... imagine techno... (this is for Matt)



My 21st Birthday!

Hey everyone! Well, yesterday was my birthday, as most of you know, and it was a special day! Thanks everyone for writing me and wishing me a happy birthday! It made it very special and I didn't feel homesick too much, so thanks! I really had a fun day! It all began with waking up early (okay, 7) and going outside to the bonfire. Don made a fire in the firepit, and Markus went early to a little bakery and got some ponducant ( i KNOW that is spelled wrong). So, we ate the little rolls, which were very yummy, and some banana bread, by the fire. it was so fun. I loved it. And, I loved it so much I sat in front of the fire for 3 hours! Ha, I was so lazy, but I just sat there and talked to Don and Char about random stuff. I am enjoying getting to know them. So then about 10:45 or so I went to the Epps house, and they were going to take me somewhere. I had no clue. Thea kept giving the secret away... she kept telling me that we were going to KFC... but I was pretty sure there wasnt a KFC within a couple hundred miles, so I didn't know what she was talking about! Ha! But she was so cute, she made 5 little sheets of paper, each with a number from 1 to 5 on them, and they each had a pink ribbon. So, she said that we were going to follow the numbers 1 through 5 for my birthday, each number being a different thing! So, we went to number one. And all 5 of us walked down the hill and on the street until we got to the CCQ (a bus stop on the road with some food vendors and stuff), which is what she called KFC... haha. The first thing was some marianda, or snack! We had a pork stick (which Thea said a pork stick is a stick with chicken on it) and a tupig or something (it was sticky rice cooked in a rolled up banana leaf) and then a soda. So, we tried some Filipino food, and it was quite enjoyable, I must say! We had fun just laughing and taking pictures and all. And eventually it was on to number 2, which was when they let me pick out my own hammock for the tribe. :) So, I got to choose a hammock of my choice and I will have it for in the tribe! I was happy about that too, because I have a really cool hammock at home that someone just gave me and that I love, but had no room to bring it, so now i have one to use here! It was a great gift, and I hope I can find the time to use it in the tribe sometime. So then we walked back, and Thea informed me that number 4 was her dancing, and we decided that we would wait until later for that. So, I went back to Sarah and Markus's house and we spent the afternoon at home. I had lots to do to pack up all my stuff and weigh it all, trying to bring as little stuff as possible into the tribe, so that kept me busy. Ate Jelyn, Sarah's helper, made Lumpia for dinner last night, which is so yummy, but takes a couple hours to make. Char had her helper make some too, so at 5:30 they came over and brought their lumpia and we had ours and we had a big birthday dinner. It was so fun! We had streamers and balloons, and a ton of food. The Epps came, and John came, and Ate Robby, another missionary, came. She is such a sweet lady, and I was glad she could eat with us also. So we ate and then had some coffee and ice cream cake, and after that we had the greatest time just being entertained by the kids. They were so funny... first they played with the balloons, and then we turned on techno music (for Thea to dance to, for #4), and that was just hilarious. So, I think I laughed more on this birthday than I have on any other birthday. It was great fun!

We were tired though by the end of the night, and actually, I felt sick last night, so I went to bed with a stomach ache. But I had the worst time sleeping. There was a cricket, I am pretty sure it was right outside my window, but it was SO loud, and for some reason I couldn't block it out of my hearing. And then I heard this really loud crash, and I was certain it was an accident, but wasnt too sure, so my mind kept thinking about that, praying that no one was hurt. A little while later Sarah came and got me, and she told me that there was a bad accident right down the hill from their house on the road. Markus was outside and we watched through the window trying to see anything, but it was so dark. We felt so sad though, just praying that no one was hurt. And we got talking about how quickly someone's life can be taken away, and how in a split second they can be sent either to an eternity in Heaven, or an eternity in Hell, separated from God. It just really puts things in perspective when you think about how there are so many people who are lost and on their way to a Christ-less eternity. It is so sad, yet what great responsibility, AND great privelage, that we have as believers! And last night some Filipino could have lost his or her life, and we had no clue if they had ever placed their trust in Christ. That is why each moment is precious, every conversation is important. Oh, life is not guaranteed, and what a way to end my birthday. I laid in bed forever just thinking about all these things, and praying for all those involved in the accident. And also for friends back home who don't know Christ Jesus as their Savior. Eventually, I fell asleep, but I thank God that I am here, even able to celebrate my 21st birthday.

Well, anyways, thanks again for your prayers and your birthday wishes! It made my day very special! And, just so you all know, Monday morning is when we are flying in to the tribe. So, I have just a few more days with Sarah, and then it will be 7 weeks out there in the middle of nowhere! YAY! Ha, I am looking forward to it, although I will say that my mind wandered last night and began thinking of all the bugs I would see and have to live and sleep with while I am there. AGH! Ha, I will survive. I know it! But still! Yuck! But yeah, be praying, we leave early, early Monday morning, and will probably be in the air Sunday evening, your time. So yeah, Im heading out, but thanks again! Love you all!

p.s.- i found out today (the 23rd) that a person did die in the car crash... oh, life is fragile, and an eternity is LONG.


Well, the days are coming and going here in Aritao. It's been a good past few days. Nothing out of the ordinary, really. Just watching the kids... playing with them. Good times. We had a big hot dog roast on Saturday night and all of the families came. It was fun, and I got to meet a lot of the new people I hadn't met yet. The hot dogs here are... weird. The ones the filipinos like are red hot dogs, they dye them red, and they are a bit sweet (everything here is sweet). So, I had a bite of that and now I can say I tried one, but they're not my favorites. I had a chicken hotdog too, but I wasn't too keen on that. I guess hotdogs are weird no matter what country you're in, if you really think about it... :) Ha, well, that was fun. Yesterday, Sunday, we had a church service in the old dorm. It was cool. Sarah played some songs for the worship, and then she and I took all the kids upstairs to give the parents a quiet service for once! :) Ha, usually the kids just are in the next room, and they are loud and they are KIDS! So, it was fun for them. We sang all the kid songs we could remember (thanks mom! :)) and we told a Bible story that went with a coloring sheet. Then I played Simon Says to keep them busy until the adults were done. It was fun!

I've been with Thea and Koi a lot the past 2 days... their parents are meeting with their coworker, John, and an older missionary couple, the Bagleys. They will meet tomorrow too, discussing lots of things so they can be ready to continue the work in the tribe. So, I have had a fun time trying to entertain them. They both miss their parents SO much when they're gone even for a few hours, but we had fun. We do lots of jumping on the trampoline here... Levi and Koi especially like to do this! It is so funny! I jumped with them today and they love going high! But then one of them got hurt when they got double-bounced, so I had to bring it down a level! :) But we did get to see the world's largest flag (so they say...). It was on TV and I guess on Saturday morning they had people all over help make this HUGE Philippines flag. It is on a mountainside, and from the property here you can see it far far away. It is really, really, really, not as exciting as they make it sound, but I think it is a big deal to break a world record here... there are tons of TV shows about it on all the time... oh well. So I tried to show the boys the flag, and then this huge toad came out of nowhere. So for 20 minutes we had a fun time following the toad. Levi, who is not afraid of ANYTHING... was just giggling and poking it with leaves and sticks (he would have grabbed it with his hands if I hadnt told him not to). He's so funny. But yeah, we had a good time. Luckily the toad went into a cave thing so we could finally get out of there. Im not a big fan of huge toads, and the other night Sarah and I just about stepped on one! Gross! I guess I should just not bring a flash light outside with me anymore... to NOT know is better! :)

Tonight I went to the Bagley's house and talked with them for a couple hours. They are a really neat couple. They are from Australia (well, she is American) and they have served in the Philippines since 1968, so they have LOTS of knowledge and wisdom. I loved sitting with them and talking about what to expect when I go into the tribe. Lots of practical advice. They got me thinking about some things I would never think about, and its true, pretty soon I will be going to an extremely remote area where the only way out is by plane, boat, or a LONG hike (which i prefer... not). There will only be 5 others that speak English, everyone else will only know a foreign tongue to me... I might be bored sometimes, out of my mind bored. I need to be careful in the way I interact with the other missionaries, just for my testimony's sake, and theirs. Oh, theres a lot to think and pray about, and its time for me to start praying for these things. I have to buy some things this week too, enough things for about 6-7 weeks out there. But I am looking forward to it SO much! I really am. I know it will be a stretching time for me with my walk with the Lord. I KNOW that it will be hard sometimes and that I might have a culture shock moment or too and just sit down and cry. I know that there will be times when I will just want to pick up and leave and come back to civilization. But I also KNOW that God is faithful and that He is with me and I will not be doing this alone. He is my strength and I will probably rely on Him more than ever these next couple weeks. I am looking forward to what He will teach me during this time. Man, to think of all the missionaries that have and are right now leaving their comfortable homes and giving up all their possessions and going into remote, tribal places and staying there for the rest of their lives! All to bring the message and the Word of God to people who have never heard of what Christ has already accomplished on the Cross for them... it amazes me. And I only get a taste of what their lives are like out there... I am blessed. Well, keep praying. There are more meetings tomorrow, so I will be with the kids, and I think we might try to fly in sometime this weekend or next week. Hopefully we can do something special for my birthday Friday... Sarah and I were talking about making an ice-cream cake (a Meisel specialty :)). It should be fun! Thanks everyone for your prayers! I feel them! Especially today when I had some type of food poisening or something, very mild though, but Sarah and Char had it too. We all went to a restaurant last night, and today, oh I had the WORST stomach cramps... it was bad. But I am feeling better this evening, it really wasn't too bad overall, just a little bit there it hurt. But I cannot imagine getting fullblown sick! How nasty! Alright, Ill end this novel! Love you all! Thanks too for the comments! I appreciate each one!


Well, today has been SO busy! This evening I am so tired and my muscles just ache, although im not extremely sure why... I didnt do a whole lot of things that involved lots of labor... anyways... it was a good day. The guest facility is full! Lots of people arrived today, and it has been fun to have all the extra people around. Sarah has been super busy running around welcoming people in to their homes and helping them move their things in. Also, having guests for meals, and doing budget things. I tell you, she is one busy woman. Then having a 2 year old and 3 month year old, I don't know how she does it! But I take advantage of these days and be the super auntie to Levi and Emma! AND, it helps to have Atay Jelyn, the house helper. She is so sweet, and she was cooking all day today for everyone. I have had a fun time meeting all the Filipino helpers around here. The ladies are so sweet... I haven't tried much Tagalog around them, im a bit shy :), but someday I will overcome it and surpise them all! (Since I know like 3 things... ha) :) Well, this morning Sarah showed me the old Dorm that was once used when the School was still running. I loved looking at it, it looked so much fun! I have heard lots of stories from friends who grew up in dorms overseas... good and bad, and it was kind of sad to see it empty. I cannot even imagine being a dorm parent to 10, 15, or 20 kids. Wow! They've gotta be cool people! Anyways, I went into town today for the first time (YAY!). It was GREAT to get out and away from the base, where Ive been since I got here. I went with the Epps, and it was quite the experience. The grocery stores were packed, and all the Filipinos were staring... I guess I am supposed to get used to that... its different, but I just dont make much eye contact. Then we went into the market. That was interesting. Lots of people were trying to sell things, and the smells just overtook... it was quite different than anything I have experienced. But, I got some flowers (lilys) for Sarah and then I tried a Banana Q thing... which was different too. Its a cooking banana fried and then with brown sugar melted onto it... very sticky and hot! But I ate it, and it wasn't so bad. The food here that I have had so far has been great. I love filipino food, I think. I guess I havent tried it all! AND I have yet to have gotten sick off it... we'll see what I think after i do! :) After the market, we had lunch and then helped some people move in. I waited for Levi to wake up from his nap and we went outside to the trampoline, a place where we go a few times a day. The kids LOVE jumping on it. Levi just laughs and laughs as the kids bounce him... right now there are I think about 18 kids under the age of 10 here, so, while it seems like a zoo at times, it is also so fun! All the kids just pair up and play, play, play! I had a neat talk with one of the missionary ladies who arrived this afternoon. She was really cool, and it was cool to be surrounded by missionaries on the field... not at Bible school on their furlough, but while they're doing what God wants them to do! It makes me wonder about what God has for my life! Maybe one day I'll be in some foreign country, fighting the bugs and sickness, sacrificing special time with my family back home, all to bring the Gospel to those who have never heard! How exciting! :) Well, tonight, Levi and I had lots of special time together. I made dinner for us two, and then we ate together, which is always fun. Then I gave him a bath, which he likes for the first half then really doesnt like the second half. Ha! But I got him all ready for bed and we read together. He is finally warming up to me... at least he doesn't cry when he sees me. But tonight his momma and papa were really busy with the money books, so it was fun! I am enjoying being with Levi and Emma. Well, it is really late, and I know I might be rambling throughout this. I should go to bed now, but thanks for your prayers and messages/emails/comments. I really appreciate it! Keep praying for Char and all their health, they're getting better, but not completely over it yet! Also, that God will work out everything as far as going into the tribe goes. Maybe next week sometime we'll fly in, but not certain! Oh well, I am excited about it! Thea keeps telling me lots of things I can expect, and Don and Char have SO many funny stories about living there, I am looking forward to it! Well, love you all! Have a great day! <><




Hey! I finally have a few pics up... it takes a LONG time to upload pictures with this slow connection, so sorry its been forever! Here we have Levi (my nephew) and Koi drinking the water on Sarah's couch, Thea smiling in the truck on the trip from Manila to Aritao, a picture of the mountains on one side of the base (they're all over), and then hopefully little Emma smiling... which is what she does most of the time! Enjoy, and I hope to get some more later! <><


I'm still alive!

Hey everyone! Well, I have been here at Aritao for a few days now, and it has been such a special time already. My days have been spent laying around, sleeping, trying to get over jet lag, and playing with babies! It has been such a blessing to be able to spend lots of time with my sister Sarah and her husband Markus, and their two kids Levi and Emma. They are so precious, and I enjoy every minute! :) Also, I have played a lot with Thea, who is 4, and Koi, who is 2. They are the two children I came here to look after and help while their parents did language study in the tribe. Thea is such a sweet girl. We have had a great time already talking about the tribe, the things i should expect, all the things she has learned, and really, just talking in general. She is a very smart girl, and knows things way beyond her years. We also have played princess, made tents to play house in, and have built houses (and dog houses) out of big legos. :) I enjoy being with her. Koi is also a fun boy! He is such a cutie, and likes trucks, Bob the builder, Dora, and he loves to jump on the trampoline. :) He just started talking more, so its fun to listen to him have at it! Levi, my nephew, is also so much fun! He just runs arounnd and smiles all the time! He is such a happy boy, and always has the biggest grin on. He LOVES cookies, and dont get him and Koi going on cookies! ha! But already I have been learning some norweigan words, because Levi speaks both that and english. So, its a mix between the two, and auntie Joanna has caught on quick! Ha, the first night I was there, he was scared of me (okay, and the next day too :)), and he kind of hid behind sarah when he saw me. But when Sarah showed him our family's prayer card that had my picture on it, his face just lit up like he knew who i was! I guess Sarah and him spend lots of time looking at those pictures!

Well, it's been fun so far. Pray for Thea and Koi's parents though, Don and Char. Char has gotten sick, and Donovan is still recovering from typhoid fever. Thea too has been sick the past day or so... it just seems that it is one thing after another. They were planning on flying into the tribe on Friday, but because of sickness, they wont be able to. So pray that they will all get better so they can get in there! So, as of right now, I am not really sure when we will head into the tribe, but I am having a blast here in Aritao... so I'm cool with whatever! Thanks for writing me everyone, i love hearing from you all, and I will try to write more often. Also, thanks for your prayers! My stomach is feeling better and it hasnt felt sick since the first 2 days! Praise the Lord! Well, I should go find the kids... they're all in the living room! Have a good day (or good night, I guess :))!



I'm here!!

Hello to all! Well, I am finally here in Aritao, the place where my sister Sarah and her family are. I endured the 19 hour flight quite well! It was Joanna with a bunch of Asians, but it really wasnt too bad at all. I would've watched all the movies, but unfortunately for me, the tallest Asian on the plane sat in front of me, so her head was in the way. :) I had a quick plane change in Nagoya, Japan, and then on to Manila. It was funny. The flight got in 45 minutes early, and I gathered my things and went through immigrations and customs with no problem, so I was out front in the passenger waiting area by about 10:40. Well, I looked for Markus and Donovan, but didn't see them. Well, that was alright, I knew I was a little early, so I waited. And waited. An hour and a half passed by, and I started to get concerned. Ha, it was crowded, and smelly, and hot and oh so humid, and I didn't have any alternative way to get to a place that I didn't even know where it was! So, I figured out how to buy a calling card and called Sarah, and then Markus. Turned out they were in real bad traffic and they were running a lot later than they expected! They were there 15 minutes later! And it was all good, I was just thankful they hadn't gotten in an accident or anything. But yeah, I'll say my first experience in Manila was quite an adventure... standing with 2 huge bags searching for Markus... I did get quite a lot of looks, being that there aren't a whole lot of Americans there... but they picked me up and we made our way to NTM's guesthouse, where I met Char and got in a room. I fell asleep with no problem, even though it was morning for me in the states, and woke up to little Thea outside my door saying "Auntie Joanna, auntie Joanna..." I met her and Koi, and they are absolutely adorable! I love them already and just KNOW we will all have a blast together! We loaded up the truck Markus came to get us in, and began the 6 hour trip to Aritao. It went well, it poured rain when we got to the mountains, and I began feeling car sick near the end, but we got here safe, Praise the Lord! :) The driving over here is insane... seriously, kinda thrilling and fun, but crazy nonetheless! But my bro-in-law Markus is a very good driver, and he fits in well with all the other crazy filipino drivers! ha! Seeing Sarah and Levi and Emma were definitely the highlight of my evening! I've had a blast in the past couple hours, and already know this time will fly by, but be very special! Alright, I am going to go now, but thanks everyone for PRAYING... don't stop... I need every one! Im already having stomach aches, so I just pray that I won't get sick a lot... Okay, good night all! <><



Leaving on a jet plane....

Hey everyone! Well, the time has come for me to leave for the Philippines. I have spent the past 6 days running around like a crazy woman getting shots, visiting the DMV, the doctor, working at the City, shopping for my family over there, and, of course, spending lots of time with my family over here, especially Micah and Ella! :) I think I am finally ready to head out. The living room is a mess right now with things that I'm not really sure where they should go, but I am sure it'll all come together by 6:00 tomorrow morning. But thanks everyone for all your prayers so far, and keep praying for me! I NEED it! More than anything! Especially on this long flight over... but I know I am not alone, and I know the One who is with me, so I have nothing to fear whatsoever. I hope I'll be able to keep this updated, and also, everyone let me know how you are! I'd love to know! Okay, with that, I am going to go continue getting ready to leave! I'm looking forward to the time when I can just relax in the tribe and watch a sunset like the one above! Until then, Joanna <><


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