joanna in the philippines

Hey everyone! I am going to the Philippines for about 4 months to help out a missionary family, and while I am there I will try to update everyone as much as I can! I am excited about going, about the things I will see, the people I will meet, and the things God will teach me! Thanks for your prayers, and leave me a message! I'd love to hear from you! God Bless!




Hey! I finally have a few pics up... it takes a LONG time to upload pictures with this slow connection, so sorry its been forever! Here we have Levi (my nephew) and Koi drinking the water on Sarah's couch, Thea smiling in the truck on the trip from Manila to Aritao, a picture of the mountains on one side of the base (they're all over), and then hopefully little Emma smiling... which is what she does most of the time! Enjoy, and I hope to get some more later! <><

aww! all the kids are sooo cute!!! and Emma is growing up so much! :) thanks again for keeping us up to date with what you are doing!
Hey! I love the pictures. All of those kids are so cute! I'm glad your having such a good time. And you get to see real mountains! It looks beautiful!
How adorable! They are all so cute. I love Levi's hair and Emma's smile is beautiful. Both of their smiles are precious! What a proud auntie you must be :)
Keep having fun!!
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