joanna in the philippines

Hey everyone! I am going to the Philippines for about 4 months to help out a missionary family, and while I am there I will try to update everyone as much as I can! I am excited about going, about the things I will see, the people I will meet, and the things God will teach me! Thanks for your prayers, and leave me a message! I'd love to hear from you! God Bless!



Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years Everyone! I really hope everyone had a great time with friends and family this past week! Also bringing in the New Years tonight. :) Well, I have had a wonderful time here in Aritao with my family... Sarah and her family, and also the Epps. With the Rosviks, we had a nice meal on Christmas Eve and opened the gifts and just had a nice evening. Then last night (the 30th) we had another big meal with the Epps and did our gifts then... it was so nice! SO yeah, other than those Christmas celebrations, we have been kept busy with different activities here at the center. There was a list of all the things going on, and it was so fun to take part in it! We hiked up a mountain one day, had a soup bar, went Christmas caroling and handing out presents in the bario, had Christmas carolers come sing to us, had a ladies movie night, a ladies spa/korean food night, a bonfire, a Christmas potluck meal, singing Christmas songs together, and on and on. So, we were very busy. But it was so fun, and there were a lot of people here on the base, so that was also nice! It was a special time... even though a few times I was wishing I could be at home with my parents and other sisters. But, I wouldnt trade my time with Sarah for anything!

Well, I will be leaving the Philippines in a week and 2 days... I cannot believe the past 4 months has flown by so quickly!!! It has been awesome though! But we are leaving in 2 days to head south to a coconut farm for the NTM conference here. Should be fun! My aunt and uncle are coming over from Califonia with a group of people to run the older kids programs, so it will be fun to see them! Also, I will be leading/teaching the toddlers class... ages 2-3, so pray for me with that! Should be fun... maybe a challenge, but fun none the less! Well, conference is only 4 days, and from there we head to Manila for 2 days, and then I will go to the airport either late at night or early early in the morning (depending on how you look at it) and begin the LONG day of traveling home! It's amazing that its almost time to come home, but its not over yet!!! Well, I should go... have lots to do! We're having company for supper, then the center is having a New Years Eve thing... fireworks, snacks, and games... and I have to pack my bags for when I leave by tonight.... I am sending my luggage down to Manila tomorrow morning. Alright, God Bless everyone! Happy New Years!

Happy New Year Joanna! and Markus and Sarah, and Levi and Emma!
Sounds like you have had a busy holiday! We took Lydia to airport this morning and she is on her way back to Bible School. I can't believe Christmas has come and gone already, and 2007 is here!
We look forward to your return next week. We are praying that the conference will go well and hearts will be revived and blessed. love, mom
Hi Joanna. :) We can't believe you'll be here so soon, and we're looking forward to having you here again. Micah & Ella haven't forgotten you - Micah called Lydia "Joanna" for the first 2 days she was here. :) he's got it figured out now though.

I hope you have a fun time with those 2-3 year olds - we'll pray for you...and at least it's only 4 days, right? Boy you are going to have HAD IT with kids by the time you get home! We won't ask you for any babysitting until you're ready to hang with some little people again. :) you could probably use some adult conversation...after all, you're not with your OWN kids, it's everyone else's. :)

Love ya
Happy New Year, Joanna! Miss you and can't wait for you to get back! I'm glad you've had such an awesome time. It sure sounds like you've been busy! I love you so much and look forward to seeing you again sometime! Oh...God totally provided my initial fees ($1,300) through one person...I will have to tell you more about that later. Thanks for your prayers! Love and miss you tons! Praying for you too and your flight back!
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