joanna in the philippines

Hey everyone! I am going to the Philippines for about 4 months to help out a missionary family, and while I am there I will try to update everyone as much as I can! I am excited about going, about the things I will see, the people I will meet, and the things God will teach me! Thanks for your prayers, and leave me a message! I'd love to hear from you! God Bless!



One week down...

Well... I have been in the tribe now for a week. It seems like its been 4! Ha, but in a good way! I have had a great time so far... the past few days have been interesting...

Saturday, when I last wrote, we were about to go swimming, and thats what we did. It was so fun, the water was so beautiful, and some of the tribal kids even came out and swam with us! Don brought out his surfboard that he found for a great price in Manila, and the kids loved paddling with him on it. It was refreshing to swim some, and while we were there, John, the Epps co-worker, arrived on a Banka... so, he got there safe, just a few days late because the ocean wasn't too great to travel on. So, that night was nice, it was Saturday night, so we had a nice meal and communion. Then the adults played Yahtzee... I guess Don, Char and John have been having a yahtzee tournament going on, but they started over with me, so each Saturday night we'll play. It was a blast. I lost... but I usually do :) but it was fun. We laughed and had a great time. My stomach was hurting a little bit though, but I didnt think much of it.

Then Sunday morning I woke up and I felt so gross! I guess my stomach didnt agree with something I ate or drank, so I spent all Sunday in bed... kind of a bummer, but oh well. I spent the morning staring at the ceiling praying the cramps would go away, and then Char brought a movie for me to watch when they went to the ocean, so I did that and rested the rest of the day. Monday was pretty much the same... just resting a lot and taking it easy. Im still not sure if I am completely better, but I dont feel as bad as I did Sunday, so thats good! But the Epps told me to drink only from the water that is filtered, we all have just been drinking from the well water, which is fine, but Ill do that from now on just in case. So yeah, my first sickness in the tribe, but really, it was no biggie, thank the Lord! :)

But things are going well... yesterday a woman came to the house, and her finger was almost falling off... she was trying to move a horse and I guess the horse ran and a rope was around her finger and she was dragged a ways, and the skin just tore and was only hanging on by a tiny bit... OH... I didnt go look that morning when it happened, my stomach probably wouldnt have taken it, but I prayed for Don and Char as they were dealing with it. And the lady too, I can imagine she was in lots of pain. I did see it last night as we went to her house to clean it and check on it, and yeah, i felt like I was going to faint. Wow, but its not always a pretty job out here! okay, I should go... there a big typhoon thing coming our way... maybe hit friday or so... ha, we dont know what to expect, and I have certainly never lived this close to the ocean during a big storm like that! :) pray for us... pray the house stays, and for the Agta people, with their homes. Alright, love you all!

Hi Joanna,

Good to hear from you again and to know that you are enjoying your time there. We miss you here in Florida! Love you - Dad.
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