joanna in the philippines

Hey everyone! I am going to the Philippines for about 4 months to help out a missionary family, and while I am there I will try to update everyone as much as I can! I am excited about going, about the things I will see, the people I will meet, and the things God will teach me! Thanks for your prayers, and leave me a message! I'd love to hear from you! God Bless!



Not storm...

hey there! well, Good News! The typhoon is no longer going to hit! Praise the Lord! It is actually a great thing, since it was going to be a bad storm, but yesterday it took like a 120 degree turn to the east, and i think its meeting up with another big one, so poor taiwan, or japan. Or some other country out there! :) but yeah, we're a bit relieved, and kinda sad... we need rain. We have no water left in our tanks though, so that means no more showering, flushing, cleaning, or water fights(jk) unless we carry the water from the pumps. So, i might be going without a few things the next few days ;)

Well, the weather is beautiful. Today Don and Char hiked to the bario, and I took the kids outside to the beach for a picnic. It was fun, and they both were happy! Oh, i forgot to mention some BIG news that happened in Thea's life in Aritao... while she was there she made the decision to invite Jesus into her heart! All by herself too! It is such a blessing to be able to hear her talk about God and the things she knows and is learning... and to be encouraged by her childlike faith. :) I love going to the beach and talking with her, praying with her. Yesterday, she said she wanted a pink shell, and I have never ever seen a pink shell or rock since we had been there. The beach next to their house is full of really cool rocks and a few shells. So, we prayed and asked God to help us find a pink shell before we left the tribe. Well, I will admit that in my mind, I was thinking we wouldnt find a pink shell for like 5 weeks... ha, but just later that day we went outside and were looking at more rocks and guess what we found??? a PINK SHELL! It was a neat reminder to me of God and how He cares about even the little things... we sang songs of praise to God for the pink shell (Thea loves making up her own songs) and it was a cool time just talk about God hearing and answering our prayers. She is a special girl, and God is an awesome God.

Well, I had a great time last night going visiting- something we do almost every night. Thea's little agta friends all kinda took a liking to me, and were holding my hand and I was trying to play little games. So, we went around and i pointed at things and they told me what they were in agta, and I would tell them in english. So cute. Listening to them speak english, a bit broken, but beautiful nonetheless. They held my hand walking back and are just so precious, and I so wish I could communicate to them and be able to talk to them like I would any other child. But I am SO happy, for thier time to hear the gospel is coming So soon... oh, I get excited thinking about it! :)

Okay, I should go... but thanks for your prayers! Love you all, Joanna

Hey Joanna!!
Thanks again fo ryour updates! I love reading them! it sounds like such a great adventure over there! :) I'm praying always for you... and we miss you lots! :)

Hey Joanna! That's so neat that that typhoon didn't end up hitting. I was praying about that. I love hearing you talk about the kids and just your time there. It almost makes me miss our tribe. Running out of water, and the Indians just getting ready to hear the gospel for the first reminds me so much of home! I'm glad things seem to be going so well, though. I don't think I've ever seen you around kids that much, but it seems like it's going very well and you're handling it okay. That's awesome! I'm so excited for you! I love you and miss you tons, and of course have you in my prayers!
Love always,
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