joanna in the philippines

Hey everyone! I am going to the Philippines for about 4 months to help out a missionary family, and while I am there I will try to update everyone as much as I can! I am excited about going, about the things I will see, the people I will meet, and the things God will teach me! Thanks for your prayers, and leave me a message! I'd love to hear from you! God Bless!


Well, today has been SO busy! This evening I am so tired and my muscles just ache, although im not extremely sure why... I didnt do a whole lot of things that involved lots of labor... anyways... it was a good day. The guest facility is full! Lots of people arrived today, and it has been fun to have all the extra people around. Sarah has been super busy running around welcoming people in to their homes and helping them move their things in. Also, having guests for meals, and doing budget things. I tell you, she is one busy woman. Then having a 2 year old and 3 month year old, I don't know how she does it! But I take advantage of these days and be the super auntie to Levi and Emma! AND, it helps to have Atay Jelyn, the house helper. She is so sweet, and she was cooking all day today for everyone. I have had a fun time meeting all the Filipino helpers around here. The ladies are so sweet... I haven't tried much Tagalog around them, im a bit shy :), but someday I will overcome it and surpise them all! (Since I know like 3 things... ha) :) Well, this morning Sarah showed me the old Dorm that was once used when the School was still running. I loved looking at it, it looked so much fun! I have heard lots of stories from friends who grew up in dorms overseas... good and bad, and it was kind of sad to see it empty. I cannot even imagine being a dorm parent to 10, 15, or 20 kids. Wow! They've gotta be cool people! Anyways, I went into town today for the first time (YAY!). It was GREAT to get out and away from the base, where Ive been since I got here. I went with the Epps, and it was quite the experience. The grocery stores were packed, and all the Filipinos were staring... I guess I am supposed to get used to that... its different, but I just dont make much eye contact. Then we went into the market. That was interesting. Lots of people were trying to sell things, and the smells just overtook... it was quite different than anything I have experienced. But, I got some flowers (lilys) for Sarah and then I tried a Banana Q thing... which was different too. Its a cooking banana fried and then with brown sugar melted onto it... very sticky and hot! But I ate it, and it wasn't so bad. The food here that I have had so far has been great. I love filipino food, I think. I guess I havent tried it all! AND I have yet to have gotten sick off it... we'll see what I think after i do! :) After the market, we had lunch and then helped some people move in. I waited for Levi to wake up from his nap and we went outside to the trampoline, a place where we go a few times a day. The kids LOVE jumping on it. Levi just laughs and laughs as the kids bounce him... right now there are I think about 18 kids under the age of 10 here, so, while it seems like a zoo at times, it is also so fun! All the kids just pair up and play, play, play! I had a neat talk with one of the missionary ladies who arrived this afternoon. She was really cool, and it was cool to be surrounded by missionaries on the field... not at Bible school on their furlough, but while they're doing what God wants them to do! It makes me wonder about what God has for my life! Maybe one day I'll be in some foreign country, fighting the bugs and sickness, sacrificing special time with my family back home, all to bring the Gospel to those who have never heard! How exciting! :) Well, tonight, Levi and I had lots of special time together. I made dinner for us two, and then we ate together, which is always fun. Then I gave him a bath, which he likes for the first half then really doesnt like the second half. Ha! But I got him all ready for bed and we read together. He is finally warming up to me... at least he doesn't cry when he sees me. But tonight his momma and papa were really busy with the money books, so it was fun! I am enjoying being with Levi and Emma. Well, it is really late, and I know I might be rambling throughout this. I should go to bed now, but thanks for your prayers and messages/emails/comments. I really appreciate it! Keep praying for Char and all their health, they're getting better, but not completely over it yet! Also, that God will work out everything as far as going into the tribe goes. Maybe next week sometime we'll fly in, but not certain! Oh well, I am excited about it! Thea keeps telling me lots of things I can expect, and Don and Char have SO many funny stories about living there, I am looking forward to it! Well, love you all! Have a great day! <><

Dear Joanna,
I love reading all about what's happening there! Thanks for keeping us up on all the happenings! So glad that you can be a help to Markus and Sarah, and Don and Char too!!! Take care!
love, Mom
Good to see some pictures. Thanks! We are so happy you can be there, and glad that you are seeing and experiencing many new things. Enjoy your time there and hugs for all!
I love and miss you -
Hi Joanna. :) Micah loves to see the pictures of the kids, and he especially liked seeing you with Levi -- we're praying for you every day and wishing we were there with you! We're also so glad you're there and can help S & M, D & C too....have fun, take care, hugs for all the kids, and don't eat anything that's not cooked and HOT!!! :)
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